The best way I can explain the difference between Devil Daggers and its surprise sequel is comparison to another pair of goth-o-ramas: Devil Daggers is Dark Souls to Hyper Demon's Bloodborne. Both first-person score attack shooters are dressed in similar beautiful cloaks of skulls and gurgling industrial soundscapes, but while Devil Daggers nudges you into cautious survival, Hyper Demon shoves you into aggression. In Hyper Demon, a long and cautious run will likely score lower than a short burst of ultraviolence. What glorious ultraviolence it is!
When I first saw Hyper Demon's trailer, I felt excitement, wonder, and fear. Here's the important thing to realise: the unearthly and incomprehensible violence you see in that trailer is genuinely what the game looks like to play. That's how it feels to play, too.