"I wonder how long it will be before I get even a single kill in Battalion 1944", I whinged at my colleagues earlier. I had plenty of time to whinge, because I was, on average, getting insta-killed within 10 seconds of starting a round, then having to wait 50 seconds before the next one started, at which point I would respawn.
The more capable players, meanwhile, spent their down and out time whingeing in Chat about how much people like me, who hadn't instantly memorised all the maps and had the temerity to not make every single shot land in their very first match, were spoiling the show. World War II-themed multiplayer first-person shooter Battalion 1944 is not, at present, a particularly happy place to be. That's not because of the solid and steely-eyed underlying game, but because this early access build's long waits, disconnects and minimal player-matching mean tempers are short once people are finally in a match. Nonetheless, it's very obviously and immediately meeting a need.