As someone with a general aversion to online competitive modes in games, I'm always grateful when someone, for once, especially in this age of endlessly bland multiplayer experiments, thinks of the solitary solo player. I'm especially grateful when us single player preferers get a knowing nod of acknowledgement in fighting games, too, which are so naturally geared toward pitting your skills against other human beings that anything involving playing against the AI is often either an afterthought or so threadbare that you can't help but feel like you're missing the point.
But that's still, for my sins, how I like to consume fighting games when I occasionally play them - which isn't often, I'll admit, for exactly the reasons described above - and so when I sat down for my Mortal Kombat 1 demo session at Gamescom this year, I was pleased to see not just a very slick story mode in attendance, but also a new single player challenge mode called Invasions that publishers Warner Bros described as "a giant interactive board game" that "lent into action RPG" territory. Its numerous node-based missions looked substantial based on what I played, and the idea of applying a seasonal service model to it, endlessly rotating in new locations and missions every so often - a whole different Invasion, so to speak - is actually something I'd be very much behind. It, that is, I was a) good at Mortal Kombat, and b) the missions I played during my demo weren't quite so… err… boring.