Ask me to name a game in which I particularly like the guns, and I'll look panicky for a moment, presuming you want me to confidently say the M-something upgraded with the thingamy-ma-death something from Call of Duty something, then intone something about recoil. I presume you will kill me with an actual gun if I fail to do this, what with your clearly caring an awful lot about guns. If my ers and ums don't result in my sudden death, I'll regain my composure after a few seconds and say 'Halo, I guess. Like, everything has a purpose, and everything works particularly well in tandem with a different weapon type, and it all feels like a real strategy and a real choice, even though it's all made up.'
This is why I've played every Halo game even when their self-fellating space magic nonsense-plots made me want to scream (hello, 2 and 3). This is why is why I thought 'ooh, that'll do' when I saw twin-stick spin-off Spartan Strike was out today.