The law of YouTube game trailer comments: amidst all the poison, the inexplicable arguments about race and the depressing evidence that learning the three simple rules of apostrophe usage really is beyond most of the English-speaking world, there will be one person claiming that witnessing footage of this videogame caused him to ejaculate there and then. Step forward excited Cities In Motion 2 fan Drag0nfoxx, whose reaction to a sixty-second video of an urban-planning videogame was for his penis to fill with blood and his brain to send a signal to his testicles ordering that it was time to express semen and thus bring about reproduction. Biology is a beautiful thing. "I think I just came in my pants", quoth he, this rare poet of our electronic times.
I think I just watched some footage of Cities In Motion 2, and then thought it looked both very pretty and slightly stark. But maybe I just have a low sex drive.