When Tommy Refenes first sat down to prototype a new, auto-running one-button Super Meat Boy game in his GDC hotel room back in 2011, it was meant to be a tiny spin-off for mobiles that stopped after nine levels. “The scope of it was going to be very small,” the programmer of Team Meat told me at PAX East 2019 last weekend. “The idea was just to be like a palette cleanser in between our bigger projects because we were working on Mew-Genics. It was supposed to be, ‘Let’s just do this, put it out and charge like a dollar for it and then move on’.”
Fast forward to today and Super Meat Boy Forever will shortly be out on every platform with somewhere in the region of 7200 levels (or “chunks” as Refenes calls them). It’s still an auto-runner, but if you’re worried about Forever being dumbed down after beginning life on mobile, rest assured that it looks and feels just like the 2010 mega hit – right down to the speed of Meat Boy’s stubby red legs.