There's a good chance that if you're aware of Roguebook, the roguelike deckbuilder designed by Richard Garfield of Magic: The Gathering fame, it'll be because it launched under a bit of a cloud. The launch build was a buggy business, and it was accompanied by premium DLC on day one, which got people good and riled up. Honourably enough, developers Abrakam almost immediately folded the DLC into the base game and started spamming refunds. But by then, a lot of folks had already moved on.
That's a real shame, in my opinion. Because Roguebook is great. I know this, because in the three days I have spent with it, I have not touched Hearthstone once. I have had neither the desire, nor the compulsion which usually subs in for it, to even get so far as opening the launcher. And when a card game gets me to the extent where I'll tear that IV drop of poisoned ambrosia from my veins, I know it's the real deal.