Cyan Worlds' remake of their 1997-released Myst sequel Riven launches today on Steam. Word on the reviewvine is that it's jolly decent, offering free movement around a real-time 3D reinvention of the original point-and-clicker's shimmering archipelago, with its many murals of crushed and scattered civilisations. There’s still a demo on Steam at the time of writing, a relic of long-ago Next Fest 2024. Demos tend to be removed once the game hits shelves, so I thought I’d rush you a quick post based on 30 minutes with the remake over lunch.
]]>Cyan Worlds today announced plans to launch their fancy real-time 3D remake of Riven later this year, coming with support for both VR cybergoggles and standard meatspace screens. Riven: The Sequel To Myst was the 1997 sequel to Myst, the 1993 pre-rendered adventure game which sold a million CD-ROM drives and launched a thousand specks of spittle from John Walker's mouth. The remake previously had a longwinded name of its own, Riven: New Discoveries Of The Lost D'ni Empire, but now is simply named Riven. They should rebrand again and call it Riven: The Sequel To The Myst Remake.
]]>Three decades have gone by since the original Myst graced the world, providing endless online debates about whether it's smart or just pretentious. Magical or plain bad. Some indie developers chose the latter with a Myst FPS remix that spoofed the senior adventure game. The RPS readership seemed split on the subject when we asked "Have You Played Myst?" years ago. But Humble Games leans toward the former as it’s choosing to celebrate the classic's whopping 30th birthday with a returning charity bundle, available now until August 3rd.
]]>Myst developers Cyan have revealed they’re working on a “from-the-ground-up” remake of its sequel, Riven. The original puzzle adventure was released on PC on October 31st 1997, and Cyan made their remake announcement exactly 25 years later. The new version of Riven will adopt the Myst remake’s freely 3D movement, but there are very few details yet other than that. Watch the very short announcement teaser below.