FixFox is a delighful name to say. I keep calling it Fikfok, once by mistake and then the rest of the time on purpose. You are Vix (vikfikfok), an fox wot fixes things in a distant future, where humans started to gene-splice themselves with animals for the convenience of having, for example, lovely warm fur. This is a step I would 100% take; even as I write this in the office I am wrapped in a blanket I brought in from home, and my fingers are still cold. I would be less able to repair things using bits of tape and coins I found in holes in the ground, but then I am not a mechanic.
Vix is a mechanic, although they are laughed at by their compatriots for being quite a bad one. They have a sentient tool box called Tin, but misadventure means all Vix's conventional tools are lost. In the course of a pretty meaty preview build I got to explore a strange, cuboid planet, top-down stylee, and repair things for a buncha robots. But there are loads of other aspects to FixFox - a preoccupation with food, a kind of space-sokoban game, a story that hints at mystery and evolution and time. Part puzzle game, part sci-fi adventure, part fok.