Have I mentioned how much I like first-person roguelikelike, Eldritch? No? Well, here goes: I really like it. The random nature of it means that it's, well, rather random, but it's one of those games that sort of captures the raw essence of videogameness and puts it straight into your head with no excuses or fluff. Exploring, fighting, sneaking, collecting, being freaked out by weird things, skipping locations via magic books, getting bitten by worms, delving deep into unknown and unknowable videogame spaces. Ignore that stupid bit of your brain that says you should bypass this game because it looks like Minecraft, because it ain't. And you'll treasure it.
My feeling is that Eldritch isn't spooky because of the Lovecraftian theme, it's spooky because videogames just are spooky. Goddamned weird-ass alternate spaces for no reason! This is one. And it's great, Anyway, there's bound to be a bunch of Halloween type release out at this point in the year, and this is the one I'd buy for a friend. In fact, I am going to do that, right now.