Amazingly, 'Call of Duty Online' didn't actually exist before now. They're surely the most inevitable word-sequence in the world, after all. Even so, "free to play micro transaction first person action game" CODO isn't for us. It's one of those bally China-only games that exist to cater towards a community that is even more steeped in internetiness than Western gamers are, and more to the point is also steeped in rampant piracy. A multiplayer shooter that only exists online is, then, a logical step towards capturing the sprinting money-goliath that is China's immense population. I guess it's not impossible it'll walk this way eventually, though for now I believe CoD: Elite is the spearhead of Activision's Western fortune-hunting interests.
]]>Rock Paper Shotgun Call Of Duty Online Feed
By Dandelion