Following a lengthy beta test on the Xbox 360, Alan Wake did rather well on PC. So well that the game's so far console-only expansion, American Nightmare, will be snort-waking and grasping for its PC teddy bear soon. I learned this in a dream, where I was running through a forest with a flashlight, looking for my PC. When I found it, in a little hollow, it was surrounded by squirrels who appeared to be worshiping it. On the screen was a video of a squirrel on a feeder, spinning around and around and around, the surrounding squirrels were all rapt. Then I was naked for some reason. When I woke, my PC was open at website DSOGaming, where they've discovered that the expansion had recently been added to the Tome of Games Most Foule Steam's Registry, and it will be bringing about the Time of Blood, Screams, and LEGO coming out soon.
Rock Paper Shotgun Alan Wake's American Nightmare Feed
By Dandelion