Every Sunday, we reach deep into Rock, Paper, Shotgun's 141-year history to pull out one of the the best moments from the archive. This week, another Jim road trip, only this time he's cleaning up the mean streets of Street Cleaning Simulator. This article was first published on July 8th 2011 with the title, "Street Cleanin' Man", an age before we were all au fait with labour sims.
Discovering that this game existed was a moment of perverse joy for me. I knew that it would be deeply boring - it really is – and that I would have to play it extensively for no reason other than to take joy in being quite deliberately boring. It's the kind of non-challenge I relish, and I gleefully set about compiling a diary of the events – or lack thereof – in the life of a simulatory street cleaner.
Read on to find out how I got on with that.