Kiev-based studio Starni Games have been knocking out the Strategic Mind series since 2019. From a slightly rocky start with The Pacific (rockier still if you count 2018's Panzer Strategy) they've hit their stride with Fight For Freedom, an entry showing off the American and British led chapters of the Great War reboot.
The Western front is frankly overdone in any media, not just games, and I'll admit I was hesitant. How many times have you run around Normandy with tanks and paratroopers? How many Cockneys and Ohio farmboys have you heard yelling about bunkers and stukas, versus exactly zero Australians or Kenyans or the literally millions of Indian soldiers propping us up? I'm not even talking about this in a political sense. It's just, yknow, it's been done. I've probably left more tank debris in France than the entire US Army.
I gripe, but I'm talking about Fight For Freedom because I've had a great time with it anyway.