While he's most known for the rightfully divisive Far Cry 2 (me, I'm glad it exists but never, ever want to play it again), Clint Hocking is a fascinating games-brain whose trajectory is well worth following. Not purely because he played a big role in the first three Splinter Cells, but also because interviews and talks suggest a restless, ambitious mind that seems taken up with the sort of emergent, open world, experimental experiences we generally crave here on RPS. So, while a bit odd, the news two years back that he was joining LucasArts was rather exciting. With Georgey-porgey's bunch having lately dropped any number of balls both in terms of Star Wars and, well, anything else, Hocking's presence was surely just what this hobbled giant needed. Only now he's bally left without any projects coming to light.
]]>Rock Paper Shotgun Star Wars 1313 Feed
By Dandelion