For the week that's in it, and this week has huge gaming digi-vent PAX-X-EGX in it, Gamedec has a free demo for you to try. Which I have, in several times. Gamedec is, y'see, a) a detective game that is b) a text heavy RPG without combat and c) offers multiple routes to solutions. As a Venn diagram of my interests, it's almost a perfect circle (although it does have a futuristic Blade Runner-y cyberpunk setting. I can't have everything).
In Gamedec's world, people spend most of their time inside very advanced video games called virtualiums, in expensive chairs and suits that give you all over haptic feedback and suck all your wee out so you can stay in for days. The ideal! Except obviously, other aspects of life have moved online as well, including crime. That's where you, a gamedec, come in. You're a game detective. You solve cybercrime. And in this case cybercrime. Eyebrows eyebrows.