Atlus send word that their forthcoming melee-combat game, The Cursed Crusade, has a new trailer out, and hot damn, it's looking fine (below). The game features dudes getting stabbed, hacked, and impaled, but in a good way, you understand. Good because this is a violent game about medieval manstabbing which sprawls across Europe through besieged castles and other splendid locales. You play a cursed Templar in the game - there's a big dollop of supernatural power under his hood - allowing you to enter a powered-up hellvision mode and kill people up with even more enthusiasm, as you can see from about one minute into the trailer.
The game - which is being developed by French dev house Kylotonn - will apparently feature online co-op and will be out this summer. Hmm, I might retroactively add this to the 2011 list, although Kylotonn did make that awful Speedball 2 rehash, so maybe not...