It's been a weird, weird year for games. My perspective has been particularly odd and hard to square, as I've now been full time staff here at RPS for nearly six months. Six months! That's ... oh my god, I still haven't extended my rent.
It's quite strange suddenly being able to talk about games in real life without having to apologise, but other than that it's nice. In that time I've played somewhere around 1,200 to 1,300 games (an exact count is impossible for boring reasons), almost all of them little known.
There have been many, many excellent games. There's a refrain you see around the internet sometimes that "this was a bad year for games", and I've honestly never understood it. I lived through the 2000s, people, I remember that wasteland. But this year, even after a solid 2018, has been so replete with interesting things to play that I cannot fathom how to be disappointed with the games. Sure, the industry, the culture, these are often garbage things for garbage people. But the games, man. The gaaames. Don't hold it against them.
So here it is then. It's time for the very best of Unknown Pleasures 2019. The finest of all that we've got through since last year, in a mostly random order.