Your attention, Comrades. Beneath the cut is the first trailer for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, which has popped up on the face of the internet like some sort of damned-pinko-commie-scum pimple outbreak just this afternoon (in Her Majesty's Royal Imperial Commonwealth All That Is Right Time anyway - presumably it's some godforsaken hour in the morning for ye Yanquis). It brings with it a release date of sorts - October, apparently.
What will immediately have fans squealing is the return of the original RA's Hell March RA2's Hell March theme, as composed by Frank Klepacki - who I believe now hangs his hat on Petroglyph's, er, hatstand rather than EA's, so presumably this is just a straight re-using. Never quite understood the fuss about RA's music myself, but it's perhaps reassuring that the game's looking to its heritage so.