The central idea behind Wandersong is coming across things and singing at them, just to see what happens. Sure, there’s also this bit in the plot about the impending apocalypse, but no rush, we will eventually solve that with a song, too. More so than the story, the singing in Wandersong made me think about all the ways our brains connect to music, and how music is a natural element in our daily lives, and how that, in turn, connects us to each other.
In order to sing in Wandersong, all you have to do is use a wheel with different colours for each note (something that’s extremely satisfying to do with the stick of a controller), and et voilà, you’re singing at something. Parts of the world will react to your singing, and even if not you can just stop and put little impromptu songs together. The joy of singing, captured in one small game.