Do you have a radar? Does it frequently detect submarines, aircraft of questionable origin, and reruns of bad '90s sitcoms? Well then, you've calibrated it horrendously and should bonk it with a wrench until it picks up exclusively on the only thing that matters: promising-looking videogames. Case in point: The Novelist, a crazy polter-and-geist adventure from Deus Ex: Invisible War, Thief: Deadly Shadows, and BioShock 2 vet Kent Hudson. The basic (and exceedingly interesting) premise reminds me a bit of Gone Home, except the family's still around, and you don't play as any of them. Instead, you're a ghost just going about your typical haunterly business when a troubled novelist and his family show up on your doorstep. You, however, are more Casper than creepy Ring murder child, so it's your job to observe behaviors, read thoughts, and pour over messages and belongings - all without revealing the fact that you're, you know, a nightmarish specter from beyond the beyond. Using that knowledge, it's up to you to manipulate this dysfunctional puzzle into whatever shape you see fit. Trailer after the break.
]]>Rock Paper Shotgun The Novelist Feed
By Dandelion