We've mentioned before how Lunar Software's UDK-powered Routine is something like Amnesia in space, but I don't think the last trailer really nailed how impressive their level design is. Take a look at their latest, below, for a taste of that. Yeah, that metallic taste is concentrated atmosphere, right there. They've been saying stuff like "Be immersed with Full body awareness, Deadzone aiming, no HUD, no health bars or points system... you must run, hide and survive the best you can against what lurks in the base." And, with that, I just realised we totally haven't interviewed them about the project yet. That changes right now! To the email-machine! Which is this, here. Mm.
Anyway, go take a look at the trailer, it is sumptuous. If I can use that word to describe a terrifying moonbase interior. Of course I can. We writers use words with mad abandon. There's no stopping me!