Evil’s not very nice, is it? Good job you’re around to give it a jolly good thwacking in action-survival game Remnant 2, a sequel to Remnant: From The Ashes announced during The Game Awards tonight. Your do-gooder can play solo or team up to sort out some pretty unpleasant monstrosities with up to two pals. Have a glance at the trailer below to see some very creepy beasties, and hear someone absolutely wail on their axe.
]]>Last year, Darksiders developers Gunfire Games released Remnant: From The Ashes. It's a third-person apocalyptic shooter that's a little bit Dark Souls-y and a little bit roguelite-y, and it's pretty good. It's not the sort of thing I expected to get any sort of follow-up, mind you, but lo and behold, Gunfire are launching a prequel today. Named Chronos: Before The Ashes, it's dumping guns for swords and dropping players into a labyrinth for some good old RPG action.
]]>It was just a few weeks back that the devs behind Darksiders III pushed their latest RPG out into the world, a shooty-uppy fantasy universe where magicdudes and RPGremlins have hurtled to Earth and begun trashing the place. Still covered in that talcum-fresh new baby smell, Remnant: From The Ashes has gotten a free update which lets you re-roll its dynamically-generated biome worlds. That means more procedural game content and better gear without having to run through the entire campaign all over again. So that's nice.
]]>Exciting news! Steam Charts is proud to announce it's to be an Epic exclusive! From now on you can read your favourite article about the top selling games on Steam exclusively on the Epic Store!
But don't worry, long-term readers - you'll still be able to read the articles right here on RPS, after just one year. Everyone's a winner!
]]>URGENT: Disparaging words have been said about the game you like by people who like the other game you don't like.
]]>Why, what's this? Oh I say, a Steam Charts you say? How intriguing.
]]>Forever revelling in the end of human civilisation, Darksiders III developers Gunfire Games today launched Remnant: From The Ashes. Set in a(nother) world where fantasy gubbins has smashed into our Earth with apocalyptic consequences, it's a third-person shoot-o-RPG of the sort that makes many people squint and halfheartedly suggest Dark Souls as a distant point of comparison even though they know explaining the differences will take as long as detailing the similarities would. So it's not Dark Souls, or 'Dark Souls with guns', or... but it is out now. The launch trailer below proves it.
]]>Hi, it's me! Yeah! No, nothing's wrong, all's good. I was just calling to see if you wanted some Steam Charts? ... STEAM CHARTS ... Yeah, that's right. No, no it's not. You don't? Oh, um, I already sent them over.
]]>Gunfire Games, the makers of Darksiders III, will return once more to the end of the world in August with Remnant: From The Ashes. I suppose surviving the collapse of THQ, as Gunfire founding members did after Vigil Games went down with THQ, could give you a bit of an doomy mindset. This time, we're not gods or avatars of universal forces as much as just plain ol' people trying to survive the end of the world by shooting monsters. August 20th is the released date, publishers Perfect World have announced yesterday. They've whipped together a new trailer to show some of the fantasy fisticuffs too.
]]>Gunfire games really like their post-apocalyptic hellscapes, huh? Not content with just developing Darksiders 3, they're diversifying their end-of-the-world portfolio with Remnant: From The Ashes, a third-person co-op "survival-action" shooter. Squads of up to four wander the "dynamically-generated" ruins of civilisation, shooting holes in a horde of invading tree-demons called The Root. Below, a moody and shooty announcement trailer.