Back in the old days, when only 12 people read RPS, each and every one of them hated me to the core because I said I didn't think the original Painkiller was a very good videogame. I wonder what happens when I say that now? I think we can all agree that these long years of expansion packs and expandydandelions haven't exactly done great favours for 'the brand', though. Looks like this may be about to change, as the Nordic Games-published/funded Painkiller: Hell & Damnation has the auspices of a high-budget reboot. Polish (and thus not Nordic, confusingly) devs The Farm 51 perhaps don't have too much known heritage behind them - Necrovision primarily, although apparently collaborated on The Witcher and Two Worlds II. They're getting to play with the Unreal 3 engine for this, and if these screenies are legit rather than the shot of the bull this could be a bit of a treat for those who crave high-speed, high-gloss demon-slaying.
Read on for some more pics, and a comment from a man with the best name in the world.