Samurai yokai battler Nioh is free to download and keep from now until September 16th via the Epic Games Store. It's the latest in Epic's endless line of freebies, but if you're desperate to pay some money for a game, there's also a big September Savings sale underway.
]]>If you're after a soulslike with incredibly deep combat, then Nioh 2 is the one. Yes, it's brutally punishing and you need to be in a good mood to play it, but trust me, when you've found the weapon for you, it's a nice feeling alright.
]]>Even at the best of times, Nioh 2 remains a very difficult action-RPG. There's rarely any time for respite, as nasty demons will go out of their way to rip you to shreds. In this cruel, cruel world there is one beacon of hope, though. And it is cats. Rotund cats, that'll follow you around and smack enemies for you. Turns out, that if you surround yourself with three felines, you'll be totally unstoppable.
]]>Nioh 2: The Complete Edition is a brutal action-RPG that's had its fair share of issues since it launched on PC last month, with one of these being incorrect keyboard and mouse button prompts. Previously, the game only showed controller button prompts, no matter what control scheme you used. So if you've forced yourself to use a controller, the time has arrived to switch back to the clickety clack and enjoy getting stomped by that one infuriating boss. This time, without HD rumble.
]]>The number of games that support Nvidia's performance-boosting DLSS tech has grown by two today, with Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition and Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord both joining the DLSS games fold. Bannerlord's DLSS support had been previously announced by Nvidia earlier in the year, but Nioh 2 is a welcome surprise, especially after the various tech woes it suffered at launch. Indeed, Nvidia claims that all RTX owners should now be able to get 4K 60fps performance in both games with DLSS enabled, boosting frame rates by around 50% across the board.
]]>Nioh 2: The Complete Edition is a punishing action-RPG, but since it launched a few days ago, it's become clear it still has a few challenges to overcome itself. Players have reported frame rate drops even on high-end PCs, crashes on startup, as well as incorrect keyboard and mouse prompts.
Thankfully, the devs have announced they're on the case, with updates planned for February and March to fix these issues.
]]>If the PS4 version of punishing action-RPG Nioh 2 is a baby-faced samurai with one or two chest hairs, Nioh 2: The Complete Edition is the same warrior, but after a few years in the dojo. They sport 5 o'clock shadow now, they've mastered three swords, they're nimbler. And, of course, it's still very difficult to beat them.
]]>Brutally difficult action-RPG Nioh 2 has finally arrived on PC, and for this special occasion it has donned its swankiest samurai garb. Nioh 2: The Complete Edition adds all three DLCs, plenty of performance enhancements, keyboard and mouse support (among many other PC features), and most importantly, the absurd Valve Helmet.
Having played this game to death, I'd say it's a good time. Yes, it's punishing, but spend some time in the dojo and it can be extremely rewarding too.
]]>Nioh 2's Complete Edition is coming to PC on February 5th, and to celebrate the launch of Koei Tecmo's rock-hard Souls-like, Gamesplanet are throwing in free copies of Arkane's Prey when you use the voucher code NIOH2 at checkout. The same voucher will also slice 15% off its usual price, giving you a nice saving of £7.50 in the process.
]]>I've logged many, many hours in Nioh 2 on the PS4, so I was excited to get hands on Nioh 2: The Complete Edition for PC, a preview build missing some technical features like HDR support and ultra wide resolutions that will be in the full build. It includes everything that's in the base version of the action-RPG, of course, alongside all three DLCs. But the real draw here are the PC-specific features, which are mostly visual.
Buttery-smooth framerate? Absolutely. Ultra Wide-Screen compatibility? Pshh, yeah, why not. 4K Ultra-HD support? I'm still not certain what that means, but heck yeah. It certainly makes it look extremely nice to play.
]]>Souls-ish action RPG Nioh 2 is just around the corner for us PC folks after its original launch on PlayStation boxes last year. The original Nioh was quite a lot of fun, but the features and options on PC were pretty undercooked. Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja seem committed to coming out on PC strong with the sequel and have put out a shiny new trailer showing what Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition will bring to PC.
]]>Over the Christmas hols I dipped my kusarigama back into Nioh 2, an action RPG that blends the crushing difficulty of soulslikes with Diablo’s emphasis on loot hoovering. In hindsight, this was quite an intimidating game to play post figgy pudding, especially as it’s all about carving up twisted demons.
Boy did it make me feel alive, though. And with Nioh 2: Complete Edition arriving on Steam in February, I thought it would be good to remind everyone that while, yes, it is full of scary monsters, it is full of very nice and cute monsters, too.
]]>If you're dying for some historical demon hack & dodge 'em up action, good news. Nioh 2 has announced its PC launch date. As with the original Nioh, its sequel is officially coming to PC after its tour on the PlayStation box as Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition. You'll be able to nab it in February. If you do, you'll also become the proud owner of that there RGB helmet with a disproportionately large valve on the back. It is upsetting to behold.
]]>Koei Tecmo have announced a sequel to 2017's neat-o action-RPG Nioh, imaginatively named Nioh 2. So far it's only confirmed for PlayStation 4, but I wouldn't worry too much: the original wasn't even announced for PC until it had been out on PS4 for months. A PC release for this too would seem likely. Hopefully. The game you might've heard described as "Dark Souls but samurai" is a good'un, our dearly-departed Adam (RPS in peace) would tell you. Here, watch Nioh 2's announcement trailer below.