About a year ago, I bought myself a HTC Vive. Since then, it's gathered a fair bit of dust. I swear, it's not that I'm a VR skeptic, so much as someone without a whole lot of space to play with who prefers being able to go to the toilet at night without tripping over what I'm going to call 'a Maplin' of expensive cabling. Of late though, I've been feeling the urge to go back in, largely I must say inspired by stuff I can't actually play, like the intro to I Expect You To Die (Vive version is coming, I can't be arsed with Revive) and watching the new Psychonauts and Arkham VR experiences from the PSVR.
So, I did. And I had some fun playing around with some new stuff.
My RPG based dreams though feel further away than ever.