It's always nice to have a demonstration what a complete fool you are and how poorly you think things through. Humbling. Gratuitous Space Battles offered that experience with huge spacefights where your input ends as soon as the battle begins, and all you can do is watch as the plans you laid, the issues you ordered, and the ships you designed failed spectacularly to deal with the enemy's far superior plan. Or maybe you were good at it. I don't know.
Either way, you may get something out of Gratuitous Space Battles 2 [official site], which launched yesterday.
]]>Is pre-ordering still pre-ordering if you get instant access to the game? That's the case with Gratuitous Space Battles 2 [official site], Positech's follow-up to the spacewar/laserguns management game. If you buy the game now via the developer website, you get instant access to its beta. There's a new trailer below to prove it.
]]>I've spent untold hours watching back replays of my own Supreme Commander games, taking the opportunity to slow-down or speed-up time, watch maneuvers by my opponents I missed the first time around, and to marvel at the bombastic laser wars that eventually decide each match.
Gratuitious Space Battles is that whole process as an entire game: you build a fleet, design the ships, and then click go to watch a spectacular hands-off space battle. The sequel seems determined to make those battles more spectacular than ever, as demonstrated by this new trailer. Such pretty lasers and explosions.
]]>The conflicts in Gratuitous Space Battles 2 are certainly deserving of the adjective applied in the game's title but the new video below brings several other descriptives to mind. 'Colourful', 'cunning', 'extravagant', 'fabulous' and more besides. Like it's predecessor, GSB 2 is a game in which players construct fleets, position them and then watch as they do battle. Remember the text crawl that sucked all the excitement out of you like a joy vampire at the beginning of The Phantom Menace? "The taxation of trade routes to outlying starsystems is in dispute", says Star Wars. GSB says, "BOY HOWDY THE PURPLE SHIPS ARE SHOOTING THE EVER-LIVING CRAP OUT OF THE GREEN SHIPS YOWZERS!"
]]>Gratuitous Space Battles was not a game of masterful tactics. It didn't allow damn fool gambits. GSB was won or lost long before then. GSB is played in the planning, the design and customisation of a huge space fleet and the careful behaviours you order them to follow. Once your ships are ready to launch, it could run the numbers and say if you won or lost, but that would be somewhat against the name. The eponymous space battles are gratuitous, with cruisers and fighters and lasers and missiles and drones and so many explosions for you to simply watch.
Expect more explosions, as sequel Gratuitous Space Battles 2 is now officially announced.