There's a charity-based theme to my posts today, it seems. You know Chime? Zoe Mode-developed 360 casual music-based puzzle game developed pro bono for the OneBigGame (meaning some money goes to Save the Children and the Starlight Children's Foundation)? Features music by Philip Glass, Orbital, Moby and other folks? Always reminded me of Qix with a bit of a beat? Quite good, apparently? Anyway, it's coming to the PC on Steam, with the addition of the ever-lovable Still Alive. Should be out on September 6th and its pre-order page exists. Sadly, you can't pre-order at the time of writing, as the price isn't up, but it's the thought that counts. 5% of the purchase price will go to OneBigGame which... wait, 5%? Well, better than nothing, I suppose and the game is pretty nifty. Here's the PC trailer...