Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 [official site], the latest iteration of the surprisingly zen-like automobilic repair game, launched last Friday. It brought flashier graphics, raiding junkyards for salvageable car husks, over 1000 parts to wail in confusion at and, it transpires, about as many bugs. I found that, on launch day, the game was in worse shape than a Robin Reliant that had spent the last thirty years abandoned in a tumbledown barn, and sadly had to bail on playing it. I was very much not alone, as the currently 'Mixed' Steam reviews reveal - prompting the devs to issue a public apology.
"You have full right to be angry at us, to be disappointed. To make refunds. We deserved it," they acknowledge in an uncommonly desperate post, but pledge to make the game road-worthy asap. Indeed, they've already issued five patches in the four days since launch.