So here's a bit of interesting news. If you are me, at least. Which I am, for some reason. DigitalMindSoft, who took over Men Of War from originators Best Way (who are now making Nuclear Dawn), are making Call To Arms. They claim that the game "the true successor of the Men of War series." And yes, it's going to be modern-era combat: "Similar to Men of War: Assault Squad, Call to Arms also includes our innovative "direct control" feature, a 3rd person action mode used to operate your unit's aim and movement. Whether advancing with a Humvee, infiltrating with a Scout Sniper or crashing through buildings with a M1A2 Abrams, everything can be controlled by you!" But there's a twist, of a contemporary flavour, of course: they're crowd-funding. I think I might just back this one, despite the rather obvious lack of a pitch video - come on, chaps!
]]>Rock Paper Shotgun Call To Arms Feed
By Dandelion