Last week, the Xitter account for H2M - a mod aiming to recreate the heyday of classic Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer inside Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - announced that they had received a cease and desist from Activision Blizzard, and would shut down the project. The 2022 version of Modern Warfare 2 lacked the original’s multiplayer, and H2M was so highly-anticipated that Steam sales of the 2016 FPS balooned in the lead-up to the mod’s planned release date. It didn't hurt that Activision had it on sale, of course, but the timing lined up so well that some fans speculated the discount was a deliberate bait-and-switch on the publisher’s part to profit from excitement over a mod they were already planning to shut down.
]]>This winter's dismally received Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was created in "less than a year and a half", with staff working overtime to make up for mid-development changes of direction, according to a new report published on the day of the latest Activision shooter's release.
]]>This year's Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will make use of Modulate's ToxMod AI to help moderate voice chat in multiplayer, Activision have revealed. The system won't detect offences in real time, nor will it be able to kick you from games for effing and blinding. It just submits reports of bad behaviour, with Activision staff making the final call on enforcement actions, which might involve reviewing recordings to work out the context of an outburst.
You can turn off voice chat in Call of Duty to avoid being recorded, but it doesn't look like there's a way to opt out of AI voice moderation in the current/new Call of Duty games at the time of writing. The tech is being beta-tested from today, 30th August in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone in North America, with the English-language worldwide release to land alongside Modern Warfare 3 on 10th November.
]]>Did you spend dozens of hours unlocking weapons in 2022's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Are you groaning at the thought of leaving all your precious shootybangs behind, once the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 remake rolls around on November 10th? Such has ever been the lot of the career CODDER, asked to start anew with every sequel like Sisyphus returning to his boulder, except that Sisyphus didn't have to worry about trolls over voicechat. All that changes with Modern Warfare 3, however, which brings across a "vast amount" of content from Modern Warfare 2, including guns, attachments and cosmetics.
]]>According to a report by Bloomberg, Activision may have switched up their plans so this year's Call Of Duty release will pivot from being a paid expansion to another new Modern Warfare game developed by Sledgehammer Games. It's said to continue Modern Warfare 2's story and carry over bits and pieces from its multiplayer, too.
]]>Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer both begin Season 02 on February 15th, and the battle royale will see the return of the first Warzone’s 1v1 Gulag. Raven Software and Infinity Ward have shared details about how that’s going to work in a new blog post, along with some info about more changes to battle royale, DMZ, and Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. The post doesn’t go over incoming maps, modes, and features that players can expect to see in Season 02, but the devs say they’ll be sharing more on those nearer to the new season’s kick-off time.
]]>Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer sees a return for the fast-paced Hardcore mode from previous Call Of Duty games when Season 02 arrives on February 15th. Over the weekend, devs Infinity Ward tweeted about Hardcore mode’s imminent comeback in the forthcoming update. Hardcore mode chucks out the game’s HUD, turns on friendly fire, and reduces health to make matches quicker and a little more unpredictable. There'll also be some changes to Warzone 2’s DMZ, such as new missions and difficulty tuning.
]]>Guides work is a very strange beast, and one that we don't talk about as often as we maybe should. By its nature, we here in guidestown can feel a bit isolated from the rest of RPS. Our guides aren't very visible to our regular readers. No one hops onto a website like this and says to themselves, "Well now! I wonder what guides have been written today that I can spend my time reading through!". The vast majority of people who read our guides come straight from a Google search into something specific like "Can I romance Yennefer and Triss at the same time?" (spoiler alert: you can, but it may not end well for you).
Because we operate so much behind the scenes, it's easy to miss some of the amazing stuff that the team did in guidestown this year. It ain't easy, writing a walkthrough or how-to that's useful for the reader while simultaneously appeasing those nebulous and mercurial SEO gods. But 2022 has been a stonkingly good year for guides, and I'd love to take a little bit of time to shine a light on some of the things we're most proud of having achieved this year - and to toast what will hopefully be another smashing year for guides in 2023!
]]>Two weeks ago, after much hoo hah, the Federal Trade Commision launched a lawsuit with the aim of blocking Microsoft's $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Yesterday, a bunch of CoD players did the same.
The private consumer complaint from the 10 #gamers claims the deal would give Microsoft "far-outsized market power in the video game industry". Power to 'em. Power to the gamers.
]]>Shipmas arrives in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 tomorrow, with the game’s Christmas update for multiplayer. The reimagined version of the classic Shipment map - introduced with last week’s Season 01 Reloaded midseason update - will be festooned with decorations, along with the bodies of your enemies. COD now has its own Santa, too, and I wouldn’t want to tangle with him. You can see what I mean, and catch a glimpse of the holiday version of Shipment, by watching the trailer below.
]]>It’s midseason update time for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and free to play battle royale Warzone 2, with the latter’s DMZ mode now letting you swap teams if things aren’t going so well. Been taken down in Warzone 2 but none of your squadmates are around to help? Or perhaps you’re just a bit fed up of waiting for them to revive you? Well, since the Season 01 Reloaded update arrived, you now have the option to ask enemy players for help and get to join their team if they do. There’s a whole bunch more stuff in the update including the new version of the Shipment map for Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, which you take a look at in the video below.
]]>Football may not have come home this year, but it is coming to Call Of Duty: Warzone 2.0. A limited-time mode introduced with Season 01 Reloaded's launch on Wednesday will see two teams of three knocking a big football about on ATVs equipped with special pulse abilities, in classic Rocket League fashion.
The developers are also bringing back Mini Royale, popping up a new building in the DMZ mode, and adding a new map to the multiplayer mode that you actually need to own Modern Warfare 2 for.
]]>On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we drop our early verdicts on the state of Warzone 2 and whether or not it lives up to expectations. That's with thoughts on DMZ mode too, which we reckon has great potential.
]]>Not long ago I watched my Warzone Legacy, a two-minute-long compilation of my best stats from the first game, which included my K/D ratio and hours played and the like. It was undoubtedly produced by AI to feed the social media machine, yet the cold, hard numbers transported me back to the warm embrace of Verdansk, a battle royale map my mates and escaped to almost every evening as the pandemic raged. The silly 120 second video shot me right in the feelings.
My history with the first game means that I enter Warzone 2 with an embarrassing tangle of emotional baggage and personal investment. It has a lot to live up to. And for the most part, it has been a joy to drop in again. Launch woes aside, the sequel iterates on the first in a way that feels like it'll last in the long run and confirms that there's still no battle royale that does it quite like Warzone.
]]>How do you download Warzone 2 on PC? It's a simple question that should have a simple answer, but there's been a lot of confusion about how to download Call Of Duty's new free-to-play Battle Royale since it was automatically built into the pre-existing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launcher.
Whether you own Modern Warfare 2 or not, you can indeed download Warzone 2 on any platform - and in this guide we'll explain exactly how. Follow the below steps to learn how to download Warzone 2 for free on Steam or Battle.NET.
]]>There’s some bad news for anyone who wants to prove themselves on the battlefield now Season 1 of multiplayer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has begun, I’m afraid. Treyarch Studios have tweeted to announce that the Call Of Duty League Moshpit playlist mode is delayed due to some recently discovered issues. The Black Ops Cold War devs did say it would only be a “slight delay”, though, and that they’d provide an update on when the mode would be active as soon as they could.
]]>Warzone 2 drops tomorrow, November 16th, bringing a DMZ extraction mode, Al Mazrah map, and an all-new map-based battle pass. Some Call Of Duty players looking forward to getting their itchy trigger fingers on the free-to-play battle royale have been struggling to sort out their preloads, though. This confusion echoes what happened with Modern Warfare 2019 when Warzone 1.0 launched back in 2020. If you’re bemused by the current preload sitch then watch the Warzone 2.0 launch trailer below, and let Freebird chill you out.
]]>Next week will bring the release of Warzone 2.0, Call Of Duty's free-to-play battle royale mode, but it also marks the beginning of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's season one. With it, two new maps are coming: Shoot House, which you'll find a trailer for below, on November 16th; and sometime after that, the return of the infamous Shipment.
]]>Looking for weapon stats on every gun in Modern Warfare 2? It's always a very good idea to spend some time learning the stats, strengths, and limitations of each gun in any FPS game, and the same is true of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, with its array of over 40 highly customisable primary weapons.
If you're wondering exactly how much damage a headshot deals with a Victus XMR, or you want to know how many shots it takes with a Vel 46 to kill an enemy, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find our in-depth Modern Warfare 2 weapon stats tables, covering everything from damage and time-to-kill stats to ADS and movement speeds.
]]>Activision have laid out their Season 1 roadmap for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 along with the upcoming Warzone 2, which launches on November 16th. As that’s less than a week away now, it’s a good job there’s loads of info about everything, from the game’s battle pass overhaul to the incoming story-based DMZ extraction mode. Have a read to get yourself ready to head to Al Mazrah next week.
]]>Activision have not-so-clarified that next year’s annual Call Of Duty release will be a “full premium” one. The shotgun blast of marketing speak erupted from the company’s third quarter earnings results for the year, setting off car alarms, shattering glass, and triggering journalists’ Google Alerts. You can interpret “full premium release” to mean an actual game that costs $70, or an expansion packaged and sold during the ritually observed Call Of Duty release window. I choose to sit on the fence for the next 12 months, carefully raising one eyebrow so I don’t topple over.
]]>On this week's episode of the Ultimate Audio Bang, we give our verdict on Modern Warfare 2 and its grab bag of a campaign.
]]>Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer - not including Warzone 2.0 - brings out the best of COD's excellent gunplay on an array of colourful maps that largely deliver. And it tones down the pace of movement too, making for a measured experience that certainly rewards speed, but doesn't make it an athletics competition.
And while the game's multiplayer is a slick refinement of what's come before, its gun unlock process is messy and excessive, even if it offers plenty of options for all types of player. Oh, and make sure you've got the game installed on an SSD...
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the S0-14 in Modern Warfare 2? The S0-14 doesn't stand out as one of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's best battle rifles, sadly. Still, it can make for a useful secondary weapon, due to the high damage it can deal once you get your eye in enough to land your shots accurately.
Unlocking the S0-14 requires you to work through one of MW2's new weapon platforms, which can be a little confusing. Read on below for a clear explanation of everything you need to do to get your hands on the S0-14.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Bryson 890 in Modern Warfare 2? The Bryson 890 is one of comparatively few shotguns you're able to wield in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and it's understandable if you want to add it to your arsenal and expand your options as quickly as possible. Thanks to MW2's new weapon platform system, however, you might need some pointers in order to help you do that. So read on for everything you need to know to unlock the Bryson 890.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the TAQ-M in Modern Warfare 2? The TAQ-M is solidly mid-table in terms of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's best marksman rifles, but if you particularly want a high rate of fire and large magazine capacity, it's well worth considering adding it to your loadout.
Modern Warfare 2 has introduced a new weapon platform to unlock some of its guns, and it's not always immediately clear how to navigate the system. The TAQ-M is one of the guns that has some platform requirements to unlock. So read on below for everything you need to know in order to add the TAQ-M to your ready arsenal.
]]>Looking for the best EBR-14 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The EBR-14 is one of the semi-automatic marksman rifles in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and it's a pretty powerful weapon that can easily score headshots at medium-long range. Even if you miss the head on your first shot, its high fire rate allows you to quickly follow up with another and bag the kill.
In this guide, we'll break down the best EBR-14 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need to use in your MW2 EBR-14 class setup.
]]>Looking for the best TAQ-M loadout in Modern Warfare 2? Landing in the middle of our list of the best marksman rifles in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the TAQ-M is a powerful long-range weapon. It's also fairly versatile, with its high range, accuracy, and fire rate allowing you to crack skulls from afar or drop nearby enemies with ease.
In this guide, we'll break down the best TAQ-M loadout in Modern Warfare 2, explaining the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 TAQ-M class setup.
]]>Looking for the best SA-B 50 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The SA-B 50 might not rank high on our list of the best marksman rifles in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but those on the gold camo grind will need to use it at some point. If that's you, or you just want to give it the benefit of the doubt, then you're in the right place!
Marksman rifles in general are very powerful in Modern Warfare 2, and with a few attachments to make it feel incredibly lightweight, the SA-B 50 can become a quickscoping menace in multiplayer. If you've yet to get it, take a look at our guide on how to unlock the SA-B 50 in Modern Warfare 2.
In this guide, we'll break down the best SA-B 50 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 SA-B 50 class setup.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Rapp H in Modern Warfare 2? Regrettably, we didn't rate the Rapp H very highly when we ranked all of the best LMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 at launch. However, there's plenty of reasons why you might want to give this gun a try, even if it's just for the sake of completionism.
Read on for everything you need to know to unlock the Rapp H LMG, including details of how it interacts with MW2's new weapon platform system.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the LM-S in Modern Warfare 2? When we were called upon to rank the best marksman rifles in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, we placed the LM-S solidly mid-table. However, there's still plenty to recommend this gun, particularly if you're in the market for something that's good over long distances but more lightweight than a sniper rifle.
Read on for everything you need to know to unlock the LM-S marksman rifle, including details of how it interacts with MW2's new weapon platform system.
]]>Looking for the best Lachmann-762 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Lachmann-762 is likely your introduction to the new Battle Rifle category of weapons in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Semi-automatic, high-powered rifles with the ability to switch to an inaccurate but devastating full-auto mode, Battle Rifles are potent guns in MW2, and the Lachmann-762 is no exception.
Below we will walk you through the attachments, equipment, and perks that make up the best Lachmann-762 loadout in Modern Warfare 2. We'll also go over our recommendations for which secondary weapon to use alongside the Lachmann-762.
]]>Looking for the best TAQ-V loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The TAQ-V is one of a handful of unique Battle Rifles available in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Categorised by their high semi-auto stopping power and inaccurate but powerful full-auto mode, Battle Rifles are not to be ignored in MW2.
The TAQ-V is one of the best Battle Rifles in Modern Warfare 2, and in this guide we'll show you how to make the most of this powerful rifle. Below we'll walk you through the exact attachments, equipment, and perks you need to put together the very best TAQ-V loadout we've seen so far in MW2.
]]>Looking for the best S0-14 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The S0-14 is one of the most difficult guns in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to use effectively, thanks to its exceptionally strong recoil. Even in semi-auto mode it's tricky, and in full-auto mode, you'd better be in the enemy's face if you want to kill them reliably. Thankfully, with the right set of attachments you can mitigate a lot of the S0-14's recoil issues and turn it into a much more effective weapon.
Below we'll guide you through the five attachments you need to create the best possible S0-14 loadout in MW2. We'll also go over our recommendations for other aspects of the class setup, such as equipment, perks, and which secondary weapon to use alongside the S0-14.
]]>Looking for the best Bryson 890 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? Shotguns may play second fiddle to the best SMGs in Modern Warfare 2 in the current meta, but that doesn't stop the shotties from inspiring great fear amongst enemies in close-quarters indoor locations. The Bryson 890 by default isn't one of the best Shotguns in Modern Warfare 2, but it has a lot of customisation potential - something we take full advantage of in this guide.
Below we'll walk you through how to put together the best Bryson 890 loadout and class setup in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This includes attachment options, along with recommendations for the right equipment, perks, and secondary weapons to use alongside the Bryson 890 in order to inflict maximum damage on the enemy team.
]]>Looking for the best LA-B 330 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The LA-B 330, like its cousin the SP-R 208, is a lightweight and fast-acting Sniper Rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Its speed and low weight makes it ideal for quickscope builds, where players can stay on the move, rounding corners, quickscoping in, and killing with a single shot.
Below we'll reveal our attachment picks you need to create the best LA-B 330 loadout in Modern Warfare 2 at the moment. Further below we'll explore different options for your secondary weapon, equipment, and perks to help round out your new LA-B 330 class.
]]>Looking for the best RPK loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The RPK is a medium-long range powerhouse that can drop enemies in just three hits in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It got a middle spot on our list of the best LMGs in Modern Warfare 2 due to its low accuracy, but we can easily correct that with a few attachments.
In this guide, we'll break down the best RPK loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 RPK class setup.
Take a look at our guide on how to unlock the RPK in Modern Warfare 2 if you're yet to get this gun.
]]>Looking for the best HCR 56 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The HCR is a powerhouse at close-range, but overall ranks rather low on our list of the best LMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. That's because it doesn't really feel like an LMG, with stats that seem better suited to an assault rifle. With our HCR 56 loadout, we lean into that medium-range playstyle by improving its handling and mobility to make it feel more lightweight and nimble for close-quarters engagements.
In this guide, we'll break down the best HCR 56 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need for your MW2 HCR 56 class setup.
If you've yet to get this weapon, check out our guide on how to unlock the HCR 56 in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Looking for the best MX9 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The MX9 ranks bottom on our list of the best SMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but don't dismiss it straight away. The MX9 has best in class damage, and very high accuracy and handling stats. The main drawback is its 25 Round Mag, which we can only marginally improve with this loadout. However, with increases to damage range, accuracy, mobility, and handling, our MW2 MX9 loadout makes every shot count.
In this guide, we'll break down the best MX9 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 MX9 class setup.
If you want to use this gun but don't have it available, take a look at our guide on how to unlock the MX9 in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the SP-X 80 in Modern Warfare 2? The SP-X 80 stands out as the best sniper rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. As such, you'll want to add it to your loadout as quickly as possible. But thanks to MW2's somewhat confusing new weapon platform, that can be easier said than done.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the LA-B 330 in Modern Warfare 2? The LA-B 330 is our least favourite sniper rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, at least at launch. But there's a very important caveat to that statement: you need to work with it a bit in order to unlock the best sniper rifle in the game.
This is thanks to MW2's new weapon platform system, which some players have found a bit confusing. So read on for everything you need to know about unlocking the LA-B 330, an important step on the road to completing your ideal arsenal.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the SA-B 50 in Modern Warfare 2? To be honest, we've decreed the SA-B 50 to be the worst marksman rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 at launch. But, thanks to the game's new weapon platform system, you'll need to spend some time with this gun if you want to unlock some much, much better ones down the line.
So, read on for everything you need to know about unlocking the SA-B 50, including the criteria you'll need to meet, and the better weapons you'll be working towards.
]]>The composer behind Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s soundtrack is leaving her job, citing artistic differences with the military shooter’s audio director. In a statement posted to her Twitter account, Sarah Schachner expressed regret that work on the soundtrack by producer Mike Dean would not get to be heard by players. Dean collaborated with Schachner on the score for the previous Modern Warfare game.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the RPK in Modern Warfare 2? The RPK is admittedly one of the more mid-tier entries on our rankings of the best LMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Nevertheless, it's one that you'll need to work for if you want to get your hands on it. MW2's weapon platform unlocks have proven a little opaque for some, so on this page, we'll go over everything you need to do in order to unlock the RPK.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Minibak in Modern Warfare 2? The Minibak is one of the most complex guns to unlock in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, with more prerequisites than basically any other gun in the game. If you need help navigating the weapon platform that leads to the Minibak, read on for a clear and concise list of the steps you need to take to unlock it.
]]>Looking for the best Bryson 800 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? There's something to be said for a gun in a Call Of Duty game that just does what it says on the tin, no mess, no fuss. The Bryson 800 is one of those guns - a sturdy, reliable Shotgun with high stopping power and a lot of customisation options. It's a great foundation on which to affix just the right set of attachments to make the gun's effectiveness really soar in your hands.
That's why we've put together this guide walking you through the very best Bryson 800 loadout and class setup we've found so far in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. We'll take you through every attachment choice in turn, along with our recommendations for the ideal perks, equipment, and secondary weapon to use alongside the Bryson 800 to maximise your kills and score with each match.
]]>Looking for the best LM-S loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The LM-S comes in third on our list of the best marksman rifles in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but don't let that deter you. It's an exceptional semi-automatic rifle that offers easy two-shot body kills and one-shot kills to the head at incredible range.
In this guide, we'll break down the best LM-S loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment for the perfect MW2 LM-S class setup.
]]>Looking for the best Rapp H loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Rapp H might not top our list of the best LMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but its best in class fire rate does give us a solid foundation for this loadout. Since it fires so fast, we've aimed to improve the handling and mobility to make it feel snappier and more competitive in the current fast-paced meta.
In this guide, we break down the best Rapp H loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 Rapp H class setup.
]]>Looking for the best PDSW 528 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The PDSW 528 is lightweight and fairly powerful, making it a great weapon in the current Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 meta. However, you can get it even snappier with a select few attachments, making the PDSW 528 far more competitive against the best SMGs and assault rifles that are currently dominating in multiplayer.
In this guide, we'll break down the best PDSW 528 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 PDSW 528 class setup.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Kastov-74U in Modern Warfare 2? The Kastov-74U is a solid choice of assault rifle for your Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer loadout. But thanks to MW2's new weapon platform system, it can be a little tricky figuring out how to unlock new guns, including the Kastov-74U.
If it's all proving a bit confusing for you, don't worry: on this page, we'll go over everything you need to know in order to unlock the Kastov-74U in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Looking for the best SP-R 208 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The punchy SP-R 208 has among the highest damage profiles of any Marksman Rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, capable of putting down an enemy with a single shot to the torso at a startlingly long range. The SP-R 208 has gained a lot of popularity among players proficient at running around the map and quickscoping in for quick lethal shots on any enemy they come across.
We're here today to make that task a bit easier for you. Below we'll walk you through the very best SP-R 208 loadout and class setup on offer in Modern Warfare 2. We'll explore the various attachment options on offer with this powerful rifle, along with the ideal perks, equipment, and secondary weapons to use alongside the SP-R 208.
]]>Looking for the best Lockwood Mk2 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Lockwood Mk2 is a powerful and punishing Marksman Rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which takes Sniper Rifles' ability to one-shot-kill at most ranges and wraps it up in a much more lightweight package. This makes the Lockwood Mk2 the perfect rifle for chaining together quickscope kills - particularly with the right set of attachments.
It may take you some time to unlock all of the attachments we've listed here, but we promise the reward is well worth it. Below we'll show you how to put together the very best Lockwood Mk2 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, complete with attachment recommendations and explanations, along with our opinions on which perks, equipment, and secondary weapons to use alongside the Lockwood Mk2.
]]>Looking for the best Minibak loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Minibak is an odd weapon that doesn't rank high on our list of the best SMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It has best in class recoil control and accuracy, but the worst fire rate of the bunch. That makes it feel more like an assault rifle, but its surprisingly low damage and range give it the slowest time to kill among the SMG class at range.
Fortunately, you don't need to spend time swapping in attachments to improve the Minibak, because we've done all the testing for you. this guide, we’ll break down the best MW2 Miniback loadout, including the best attachments, perks, secondary weapon, and equipment you need to make the best MW2 Minibak build possible.
]]>Looking for the best Vaznev-9K loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Vaznev-9K is one of the best SMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, with high damage and recoil control making it a formidable weapon at short-medium range. However, it needs a few adjustments to make it snappy and speedy enough to compete in the current fast-paced meta.
In this guide, we break down the best Vaznev-9K loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your MW2 Vaznev-9K class setup.
If you're still waiting to get this weapon, take a look at our guide on how to unlock the Vaznev-9K in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>If you’ve finished Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s campaign and feel eager to work your way up the echelons of multiplayer then you’ll have to wait until 2023. That’s when Call Of Duty: Black Ops developers Treyarch will be delivering the military shooter’s ranked play, although there’s no more intel on when exactly we’ll be able to dolphin-dive in. The window for ranked play’s arrival was tweeted by Treyarch alongside some more things to expect from Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer, such as competitive modes, a Top 250 leaderboard, and visible skill ratings.
]]>Want to know which LMG is the best in Modern Warfare 2 right now? As always, LMGs are incredibly powerful in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. They can't quite compete with the speedy meta guns topping our lists of the best SMGs and assault rifles, but the ability to unleash a torrent of bullets towards the enemy team isn't to be laughed at.
If you want to use the best LMG in Modern Warfare 2, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll provide a full tier list of every MW2 LMG and then explain their rankings, offering insights into the performance of each of these powerhouses.
]]>Need help deciding which is the best Marksman Rifle in Modern Warfare 2? Marksman Rifles have always had to fight for a place at the table in Call Of Duty, fulfilling a very similar role to Sniper Rifles but sacrificing some of their big brothers' power for lightness and mobility. But with the advent of the similarly long-ranged Battle Rifles weapon category, Marksman Rifles really need to do something special in order to set them apart from their competitors.
Thankfully, there are at least a few Marksman Rifles in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 which are absolutely devastating - almost unfairly so - in the right hands. Below we'll walk you through our rankings of all six MRs in the game, and explain which one we think is the best Marksman Rifle in Modern Warfare 2 right now.
]]>Looking for the best Fennec 45 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Fennec 45 is the final SMG listed in the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 weapons arsenal, and its claim to fame is enough to turn a lot of heads. The Fennec boasts the highest rate of fire of any gun in the game, which makes it more than capable of ripping holes through enemies at close range.
Below we'll leverage this nippy SMG's enormous fire rate to create the very best Fennec 45 loadout in Modern Warfare 2. We'll go over each of our attachment choices in turn, along with our recommendations for the best secondary weapon, perks, and equipment to use to make the most of one of the best SMGs in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Looking for the best Raal MG loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Raal MG is one of the best LMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 right now, but we're here to make it even stronger. Our MW2 Raal MG loadout adds range and velocity to make this 2-shot kill weapon more efficient at range, giving it one of the fastest times to kill in Modern Warfare 2. With other attachments to increase its accuracy and recoil control, it's easy to see why the Raal is so strong in the current meta.
In this guide, we'll break down the best Raal MG loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need to make the best MW2 Raal MG class setup.
]]>Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players have lost the ability to play the game via Steam's Family Sharing feature, just days after release. The feature was switched off in an update deployed yesterday without warning or communication from Activision.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the HCR 56 in Modern Warfare 2? The HCR 56 is a high-level weapon in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, requiring you to show some real dedication to and mastery of the game in order to unlock it. Still, your hard work will be rewarded when you get your hands on that elusive LMG.
Read on for step-by-step instructions for unlocking the HCR 56, including details of the weapon platform it sits within.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the MX9 in Modern Warfare 2? The MX9 may not be the best SMG in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 right now, but don't let that deter you if your heart's set on unlocking it. With the right build, any gun can become your weapon of choice.
On this page, we'll help you navigate MW2's oft-confusing weapon platform system to unlock the MX9.
]]>What is the best loadout in Modern Warfare 2? In true COD fashion, the moment the playerbase first got their hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it became a race to find and share the very best loadouts in the game. Every day sees dozens of articles and videos released claiming to have found the most overpowered guns or builds available. So we decided to cut through the noise with our own list.
Below you'll find eight contenders for the best loadout in Modern Warfare 2 right now. We'll explain the ins and outs of each gun we're suggesting you pick up, and which other primary weapons they work best with.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Vaznev-9K in Modern Warfare 2? The Vaznev-9K is among the best submachine guns in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but unlocking it can be a lengthy and sometimes less-than-intuitive process. Read on for everything you need to know to navigate MW2's weapon platforms and add the Vaznev-9K to your arsenal.
]]>Looking for the best M16 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The default M16 might not be one of the best guns in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but we're here to make it a little better. If you're stuck using the M16 for the camo grind, or just want to perfect this triple-burst weapon, then we're here to help. Our best M16 loadout in Modern Warfare 2 prioritises damage and range to make that 3-shot burst kill a bit more consistent, while also keeping it fast, snappy, and accurate so that you can keep up with those using meta guns.
In this guide, we'll break down the best MW2 M16 loadout, explaining the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need to make the best M16 build possible.
]]>Looking for the best Sakin MG38 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? Like most LMGs in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the Sakin MG38 is a remarkable weapon. It's surprisingly accurate and can shred through the enemy team at incredible speed. With a few attachments to increase damage range, bullet velocity, and the ADS speed, the Sakin MG38 can drop enemies in just 3 shots, making it competitive with even the best assault rifles.
In this guide, we'll break down the best Sakin MG38 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need in your Sakin MG38 class setup.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the M16 in Modern Warfare 2? The M16 is a hefty and high-level assault rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. You'd be forgiven for wanting to add it to your loadout as quickly as possible, but thanks to MW2's new gunsmith platform system, the process required to get your hands on this weapon isn't immediately obvious.
Never fear because on this page we'll cover every step you need to follow in order to unlock the M16 in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the 556 Icarus in Modern Warfare 2? The 556 Icarus is a solid LMG that will surely find a place in your Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 loadout of choice. However, it's one of the guns unlocked via MW2's new weapon platform system, which can make the process of obtaining it a little obscure.
If you're having trouble figuring out the steps involved in unlocking the 556 Icarus, read on below, where we'll explain the process of working through the relevant weapon platform in full.
]]>Want to know which Battle Rifle is the best in Modern Warfare 2 right now? Battle Rifles are a new addition to the Call Of Duty weapons roster compared to 2019's Modern Warfare. A Battle Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 lacks the versatility of the best Assault Rifles, but it packs higher damage and greater effective range, making it a powerful hybrid of ARs and Marksman Rifles.
If you're looking for the best Battle Rifle to use in Modern Warfare 2, you've come to the right place. Below we'll walk you through our ranking of each Battle Rifle in turn, exploring each of the 4 guns' strengths and weaknesses so you can understand exactly how to use each one, and which is the most competitive Battle Rifle right now.
]]>Looking for the best 556 Icarus loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The 556 Icarus is one of the first LMGs you'll get in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but it's rather hard to control. With incredibly high vertical and horizontal recoil, the default 556 Icarus is almost unusable. However, pushing through to unlock attachments can make it much better, and we've got the best 556 Icarus loadout for you right here.
In this guide, we'll break down the best 556 Icarus loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the best attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment for this class setup.
]]>Looking for the best VEL 46 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The default VEL 46 is already an excellent SMG in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but it doesn't feel fast enough to truly compete in the current meta. Fortunately, a few attachments can change that entirely, turning the VEL 46 into a snappy powerhouse that dominates in multiplayer.
In this guide, you'll find the best VEL 46 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need to use.
]]>Looking for the best TAQ-56 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The general consensus seems to be that the TAQ-56 is inferior to the M4, the best Assault Rifle in Modern Warfare 2. But it's still a reliable and powerful rifle with a competitive time to kill and good handling stats. That means it's well worth experimenting with to see if you can create a beast of a build.
After a whole lot of experimenting on our own, we've decided upon the 5 attachments you need to create the best possible TAQ-56 loadout and class setup in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Below we explain our reasoning behind each choice, and we'll also go over other details of the build such as perks, equipment, and secondary weapons to use.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the TAQ-V in Modern Warfare 2? The TAQ-V is a battle rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Battle rifles are a slightly more niche gun category than, say, sniper rifles or SMGs, but if you want a fully rounded loadout at your disposal, you'll nevertheless want at least one or two of these on hand.
Thanks to MW2's somewhat confusing new weapon platform system, it's perhaps not readily apparent how to unlock the TAQ-V. If you're having trouble, read on, because we've got all the information you need to get the TAQ-V unlocked and added to your multiplayer loadout.
]]>Looking for the best Kastov-74U loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Kastov-74U is a great assault rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but its increased speed might make it feel more like an SMG.
Our best Kastov-74U loadout aims to improve the recoil control so that you can land hits easier, while maintaining its snappy handling and mobility that make it so strong in the current meta. With this Kastov-74U setup, you'll find yourself charging around and gunning down enemies with remarkable precision.
Below, you'll find the best Kastov-74U loadout, including the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you need to use.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Kastov 545 in Modern Warfare 2? The Kastov 545 is an assault rifle in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 characterised by its high damage, low recoil, and high rate of fire. However, thanks to the somewhat confusing new weapon platforms, you might be wondering how exactly you get your hands on this particular gun.
Read on for everything you need to know about unlocking the Kastov 545 for use in your multiplayer loadout in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Lachmann-556 in Modern Warfare 2? The Lachmann-556 is one of the best assault rifles in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. However, thanks to the new gunsmith weapon platform system, it's not entirely transparent what you need to do in order to unlock it.
Worry not because on this page, we'll cover everything you need to know to unlock the Lachmann-556 in Modern Warfare 2, including full details of the unlock tree you need to follow to get there.
]]>Looking for the best SP-X 80 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? Quickscoping snipers have always been the bane of other Call Of Duty players' existence, and the SP-X 80 looks to be the best choice for those fiendish sharpshooters in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Lightweight but still powerful enough to kill an enemy in a single shot at massive ranges, the SP-X 80 is a fantastic base rifle on which to build a marvellous custom loadout.
In this guide, we'll reveal the ideal attachments and perks you'll need to create the best SP-X 80 loadout and class setup in Modern Warfare 2. We'll explain our reasoning behind each attachment choice, and we'll also go through other details such as the best equipment and best secondary weapon to use alongside the SP-X 80.
]]>Looking for the best Kastov 545 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Kastov 545 is very similar to its close relative in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the Kastov-74U. The crucial difference is that it trades in a bit of damage for increased range and lower recoil. While this isn't the recipe for a top-of-the-meta rifle, it's nonetheless a great base on which to build a strong Assault Rifle loadout.
In this guide we'll walk you through the attachments, equipment, and perks you'll need to put together the best possible Kastov 545 loadout and class setup in Modern Warfare 2. We'll also explain our reasoning behind picking each of these attachments and other tools below. So let's get started!
]]>Want to learn more about attachment tuning in Modern Warfare 2? Attachment tuning is a new feature in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 that allows you to tweak attachment stats after reaching max level with a weapon. The tuning menu has sliders with key stats at either end. Moving the slider cursor towards one end will improve that stat, while harming the attribute at the opposite end.
In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about attachment tuning in Modern Warfare 2, including info on what attachment tuning does, whether attachment tuning is worth using, and whether it is currently active in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the FSS Hurricane in Modern Warfare 2? The FSS Hurricane is easily one of the best submachine guns in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Thanks to MW2's new gunsmith weapon progression system, however, it's not immediately obvious how to go about unlocking it.
On this page, we'll cover everything you need to know to unlock the FSS Hurricane, including how it works within that confusing weapon platform tree.
]]>Management at a hotel that appears in the Amsterdam missions of new Activision Blizzard military shooter Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have said they regret the hotel's “unwanted involvement” in the game. The Conservatorium Hotel, a five-star gaff that describes itself as the “living room of Amsterdam” on its website, hasn’t taken too kindly to being shot to pieces in digital form. Despite a name change, it’s still recognisably the same establishment.
]]>Looking for the best Kastov 762 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Kastov 762 is the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 moniker for the much-loved staple of Call Of Duty titles, the AKM (or AK-47). Its powerful shots ensure quick kills for skilled players, but the recoil leaves something to be desired - unless you stabilise it with the right set of attachments, of course!
Below we'll walk you through how to put together the best possible Kastov 762 loadout and class setup in Modern Warfare 2 right now. We'll guide you through the attachments to pick, along with our recommendations for secondary weapons, perks, and equipment to round off your new top-of-the-line Kastov 762 build.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the Expedite 12 in Modern Warfare 2? You'd be forgiven for being a bit over-eager to unlock the Expedite 12 in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, given that it was a player favourite during the game's beta. We'd class it among the best shotguns in the game right now, but it's one that requires a bit of work to unlock.
Read on to learn how to unlock the Expedite 12, and how it interacts with MW2's new weapon platform system.
]]>Want to learn how to unlock the MP5 in Modern Warfare 2? Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 might be here, but a new Call Of Duty doesn’t necessarily mean a new meta. As is often the case with each new game, the MP5 is currently considered one of the top weapons at launch, so you'll probably want to get it rather quickly.
However, the new gunsmith progression system is here to stop you in your tracks, as it's far more complicated than previous COD games. If you’re eager to unlock the MP5 (Lachmann Sub) in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and have no idea what all of those progression tracks are, we're here to help!
In this guide, we’ll explain how to unlock the MP5 in Modern Warfare 2, so that you can start crafting the best MP5 loadout and dominate your opponents online.
]]>Looking for the best STB 556 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? Assault Rifles are the bread and butter of a great many builds in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and the STB 556 is among the strongest out there. Don't let the low fire rate fool you; it's for a good purpose. This beastly AR boasts a great effective range and very low recoil, allowing you to land headshots over distance with ease.
It behooves you, therefore, to give the STB 556 the greatest chance of leading you to victory. So in the below guide, we'll walk you through the attachments, equipment, and perks you need to put together the very best STB 556 loadout and class setup in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's launch hasn't gone according to plan, with players reporting various crash bugs. Infinity Ward have already released a patch to address some of the issues, but at the time of writing the game has only 58% positive reviews on Steam.
]]>Looking for the best MCPR-300 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? There is a grand total of 41 primary weapons in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but only a small handful are unlocked to new players. Thankfully, some extremely potent guns exist among those starting weapons, such as the long-ranged monster that is the MCPR-300 - one of the best Sniper Rifles in Modern Warfare 2.
If you want to drop dozens of players from across the map, there's no better choice than the MCPR-300, and with the right selection of attachments, killing becomes frighteningly easy. Below we'll walk you through what exactly you need to do to put together the best MCPR-300 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, starting with our attachment recommendations, and working our way down to the best secondary weapon, perks, and equipment to use alongside your MCPR-300 class setup.
]]>Looking for the best Lockwood 300 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? There's no point at all in using a Shotgun in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 unless it's capable of downing an enemy before a fight even starts. Thankfully, the double-barrel Lockwood 300 is one of the very best options in this regard. Severely limited in range but devastating in stopping power, the Lockwood 300 deserves the very best attachments on offer.
If you've come in search of the best Lockwood 300 loadout in Modern Warfare 2 right now, you're in the right place. Below we'll walk you through the perfect five attachments to place on the Lockwood, along with our recommendations for the best secondary weapon, perks, and equipiment to use alongside this beastly Shotgun.
]]>When does Tier 1, the Modern Warfare 2 Hardcore playlist release? A staple of Call Of Duty's multiplayer experience for a number of years now, Hardcore game modes offer players a more realistic combat experience by dramatically lowering the health of all players.
With the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, however, it looks like the usual playlist of Hardcore game modes is conspicuously missing. Where has it gone? Read on to find out why you can't see any Hardcore game mode at the moment in Modern Warfare 2, and also what we know about how it'll work once it's available in-game.
]]>Looking for the best FSS Hurricane loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The FSS Hurricane is one of a whopping nine SMGs available in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and one of the very strongest in our opinion. With its high base damage and its roomy 50-round magazine, it's one of the most reliable guns for mowing down enemies at close range one after the other.
If you want to make the most out of the FSS Hurricane, you've come to the right place. Below we'll walk you through the exact attachments you need to craft the very best FSS Hurricane loadout in Modern Warfare 2 in the Gunsmith. We'll also give you our recommendations for the ideal secondary weapon, perks, and equipment to use alongside your FSS Hurricane.
]]>Which is the best Sniper Rifle to use in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Rarely is there a more satisfying feeling in a Call Of Duty game - or any FPS, to be honest - than popping off with a series of long-ranged headshots with a one-shot-kill Sniper Rifle. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a fast and aggressive game even by COD standards, so snipers have to be even quicker on the draw this year.
There's a good selection of different Sniper Rifles to choose between in MW2, and each of them has a unique array of stats that sets them apart in feel and function from the rest. But particularly when you take into account all the attachments you can add to each rifle, there are certainly some that perform better than others. Below we'll walk you through each of the Sniper Rifles on offer in Modern Warfare 2, along with our opinion on the very best Sniper to use in the game right now.
]]>Looking for the best Signal 50 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Signal 50 is one of the most devastating weapons in the early Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player's arsenal. With its weight and handling, it's more suited to one-shot-kills down long sighlines than quickscoping, but with the right set of attachments it's also a surprisingly versatile and reliable weapon.
If you're looking to make the most of the Signal 50's stopping power, you've come to the right place. Below we'll walk you through the attachments you'll need to create the best possible Signal 50 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, along with our recommendations for the best secondary weapon, perks, and equipment to use alongside the Signal 50.
]]>Which is the best Shotgun to use in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? While SMGs make use of their blistering fire rate to drop enemies at close range, Shotguns prefer the one-hit-kill approach. And in the fast-paced, low-time-to-kill battles of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it's very important that if you use a Shotgun, it kills in one hit. Otherwise, you'll likely be dead before you can fire off your second shot.
Modern Warfare 2 brings with it a new selection of powerful Shotguns, but some are definitely stronger than others - particularly when equipped with the right set of attachments. Below we'll walk you through which is the very best Shotgun that you can use right now in MW2, and why it is so strong against enemies in close-range fights. We'll also explore the strengths and weaknesses of each of the Shotguns in the game in greater depth, so you can get a full understanding of the current Shotgun meta in Modern Warfare 2.
]]>Looking for the best FTAC Recon loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The FTAC Recon is one of the first battle rifles you'll unlock in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and it's also one of the best MW2 guns in the game. It’s a powerful, punchy medium range weapon that you can use to pierce enemy skulls from cover while your pals run ahead. If you're looking for a semi-automatic weapon that's able to take down opponents in just a few shots, the FTAC Recon is for you.
In this guide, we’ll break down the best FTAC Recon loadout in Modern Warfare 2, explaining the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment you should use in your FTAC Recon class setup to pick off some baddies in the distance.
]]>Looking for the best Expedite 12 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? The Expedite 12 is one of the first weapons you unlock in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer, and it's an excellent short-range weapon to use while leveling up at launch. It might not top our list of the best shotguns in Modern Warfare 2, but it still dominates in multiplayer with the right setup, capable of blasting foes away with just a single shot in close range combat. If you're looking to effortlessly cut through the enemy team while sprinting around the map, the Expedite 12 is a great weapon to have in your arsenal.
In this guide, you’ll find the best Expedite 12 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, covering the attachments, perks, equipment, and secondary weapon that you should use in your Expedite 12 class setup.
]]>Looking for the best Lachmann-556 loadout in Modern Warfare 2? If you want to get ahead in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, then look no further than the Lachmann-556. This assault rifle will help you shred through opponents with remarkable speed, as it's a fairly lightweight blend between ARs and their faster SMG counterparts. That speed is crucial in Modern Warfare 2's fast-paced multiplayer, ensuring that you can quickly cut through the enemy team and dart between objectives.
Below, we’ll break down the best Lachmann-556 loadout in Modern Warfare 2, including the attachments, secondary weapon, perks, and equipment that you should equip in your Lachmann-556 class setup.
]]>Hello again. Now that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (the second one) is out in full, not just its campaign, I’ve revisited my best settings guide to see whether it can provide a preset-beating balance of looks and performance in the multiplayer component as well. And it does! If anything the various online modes tend to run more smoothly and consistently than the singleplayer story, but whichever you prefer playing, you can make just a few key changes to visibly improve your frames per second. And a COD with more frames just feels better.
Despite this universal truth, MW2 can be a toughie on older PC hardware: even graphics cards listed among the recommended system requestions need quality cuts to get a stable 60fps at 1080p. In this guide I’ll be showing you how various GPUs perform and where, precisely, the make those cuts if needed.
]]>Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's campaign may be the best it's been for a long while. There's great variety in the game's first-person shooty bang with plenty of interesting ideas to break the illusion of it being an on-the-rails ride. Where it excels is in its action movie sequences, but it also takes itself too seriously at times and struggles to balance the sensitivities of conflict within its choppy story.
]]>Activision Blizzard have confirmed the pre-load times for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, detailing when pre-order folks can start downloading the game's campaign as part of its early access period, as well as when the rest of us mortals can start pre-loading in time for its release next week. Modern Warfare 2 doesn't release in full until Friday October 28th, but folks who pre-ordered the game can start playing the campaign as early as tomorrow, October 20th - and pre-loading begins this evening.
]]>Looking for the Modern Warfare 2 release time? Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and Special Ops are almost here, set to launch on Friday, October 28, 2022. After having our fill of the campaign, which launched in early access last week, we're ready to get back to that crisp shooting in multiplayer. If you're also itching to fight people online and want to know when you can play Modern Warfare 2, then you're in the right spot.
Below, we'll list the Modern Warfare 2 release time for PC and consoles, as well as when you can preload the full game on each platform.