I feel like the last few months have seen a fair bunch online multiplayer games head on up to the big server in the sky. Disintegration pulled the plug on its online functions in November, as did Amazon's attempt at a shooter, Crucible. Now it seems Ninja Theory's Bleeding Edge might be on its way out too, because the devs have announced they won't be developing any new content for it.
]]>Bleeding Edge is a third-person 4v4 brawler with a line-up that includes a woman who turns into a motorcycle, a snake who inhabits a zombie, and - soon to be introduced - a dolphin in a mechsuit. There's a feathery, mechanical raptor-lady. There's a fire-breathing goth. There's a grandma, who is also a witch, leashed to a mini hot air balloon. Most of the combatants are charming, inventive and memorable, but I never want to see any of their stupid faces again.
All the charm in the world couldn't stop the combat being pants.
]]>Remember Bleeding Edge? It's that punky 4v4 multiplayer brawler made by none other than Ninja Theory, the creators of Hellblade. It seems like a strange heel turn after Hellblade, and we'll all get to find out just what it's all about today. The cartoony colourful style is appealing to my Overwatch-obsessed brain, so I'm quite looking forward to hopping onto Game Pass to give it a go later.
]]>Another day, another scarily-intelligent animal in a four-legged mech with an uncomfortably deep AI voice translating its thoughts. That's right, I'm obviously talking about Wrecking Ball Mekko, the final character revealed for Ninja Theory's upcoming team-based brawler, Bleeding Edge.
I know this game is constantly compared to Overwatch, but come on, they've literally put in a character that sounds like a water Hammond. While both heroes seem to play pretty differently, they are both mammals in balls and therefore must have a comparison done. I don't make the rules.
]]>Get in the car, punk. Xbox Game Pass for PC is about to pick up three new games, cramming Final Fantasy XV, Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Death's Gambit into the back seat of its subscription bandwagon. That's one banger, one bust, and one "huh, seems alright" jumping onto Game Pass' growing catalogue, still available at £1/$1 for three months if you're a first-time subscriber.
But all that's firmly in "coming soon" territory. Before all that, we've got a brief detour to punch-town as Bleeding Edge, Ninja Theory's upcoming multiplayer basher, hops on for a two-day beta on Xbox Games Pass next week.
]]>A lot of people are going to describe Bleeding Edge as 'Overwatch in third-person', which is probably reductive and unfair, but not enough to make me avoid introducing it as such. It's a colourful upcoming 4v4 hero shooter from developers Ninja Theory, who were last seen wandering about the viking underworld in Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.
Someone filmed a full match at Gamescom in August, so here's a chance to ogle its spinny topless knife-men and parasitic snakes.
]]>Bleeding Edge is the multiplayer hero slicer that was announced this week by Ninja Theory. It's a 4v4 learn-abilities-em-up. Which feels like an odd direction for the gang who've made their name by creating atmospheric singleplayer games like the anti-viking propaganda action adventure of Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. But it made more sense when I got to play it at E3 this week, because it also has the mild taste of a multiplayer spectacle fighter (if that makes any sense). Think DmC meets Overwatch meets Dota 2. Anyway listen, none of that matters. Let me tell you about Granny Maeve.
]]>Trying to keep up with E3 2019 is a fool's errand, and the foaming river of content streaming down the internet's face doesn't always make it easier. So here's a round-up of every news story from the show we think matters to you, with links to our full stories (and bantful liveblogs) where relevant. We'll be updating this hourly, so keep coming back.
]]>The next game from Hellblade and Enslaved developers Ninja Theory is not, as I'd probably have guessed until I saw this week's leak, another Hellblade. No, tonight they announced Bleeding Edge, a multiplayer third-person murderfest with the rudest 'tude this side of 2011. Ninja Theory call Bleeding Edge a "4v4 team fighter" with environmental traps you can use to murder people and goodness me this 'tude really is mighty rude. See for yourself in the announcement trailer.
]]>Brendan: Our deep thirst for videogame trailers remains unslaked. Yesterday we chatted live as EA delivered force powers and football in their E3 livestream. Today, it's Microsoft's turn to run the hype gauntlet, with the absurd gait only a multinational conglomerate can perform. But that means we must again divide the labour. So Matt, as the conference gets ready to start below, who would you like to be this time? The hopeful cheerer, or the grumbling jeerer?
Matt: Sign me up for jeery duty.
]]>Hellblade developers Ninja Theory are apparently trying their hand at four-on-four multiplayer next, if a leaked trailer for their next game Bleeding Edge is accurate. Blurrily captured at a Microsoft keynote at the weekend by Xboxer (they're Slovakian, so you may need Google Translate), it shows us a cast of brightly coloured cyborg weirdos gearing up for a rumble. One's part unicycle with buzzsaws for hands, another's a weird skeleton-faced guy full of guns. It all reminds me a bit of Platinum's underrated Anarchy Reigns by way of Sunset Overdrive, and is apparently due to begin technical alpha testing on June 27th.