While talk of Dawn of War 3 remains but a murmur for now, the Necron will soon invade Dawn of War II - Retribution [official site]. A Necron Overlord will join Retribution's co-op survival mode, The Last Stand, in celebration of the Retribution's fifth birthday - the eighth playable character in its roster. As a present, you can get your hands on the new star free-of-charge between March 10 and March 15.
]]>There might be no sign of any Dawn of War III - come on come on come on come on - but new-ish Relic owners Sega seem determined not to let the beloved Warhammer 40,000 strategy series lie entirely fallow. Last month they put out a new map for the first Dawn of War and today, four years after its original release, Dawn of War II - Retribution [official site] just received new, paid DLC. It's loosely Hallowe'en themed, but it's Only War enough in its own right to be good all year round.
]]>If we seem cynical and suspicious of the many Warhammer 40,000 games we've seen in recent years, it's because we judge them against the high-water mark of Relic Entertainment's 40k games. Dawn of War with its real-time strategising, Dawn of War II with its added action-RPG-ish flair, and Space Marine with its head-stomping are as good as we've had 40k in recent years. So huzzah! For the next week you can get the lot for just a few quid.
The latest Humble Weekly Bundle focuses on Relic, with a load of Dawn of War, Space Marine, and Company of Heroes games depending on how much you fancy paying. CoH is good too.
]]>Hopefully there'll be a third expansion for Relic's largely (but not solely) fantastigood Dawn of War II, and the usual clutch of new factions and units, but in the meantime a lone Tau unit has snuck into the current version of the game. Specifically, into the Last Stand survival co-op mode, wherein you pick a suitably 40Kian hero and attempt to survive as long as you can.
Controlling the suitably battlesuited Tau Commander in Last Stand will require a small payment of additional money - someone should totally invent a word to describe that - but is available in both the full version of DOW2: Retribution (but not just the base game, as far as I can ascertain) and the cheapy Last Standalone spin-off. Due out at the end of October, and in-action in moving pixel-based form below.
]]>Ooh, I missed this last week, but PCG posted a helpful link: there's going to be an Ulthwe Eldar DLC for Dawn Of War 2, and Relic have been busy showing off some of the models for it. I am seldom a sucker for such things, but I must admit (and don't tell anyone else about this) to having a huge Ulthwe army of actual miniatures. Yes, the spooky space elves are to me as skaven are to Gillen. I'm sorry, but it's true. And that means I'm going to have to have this DLC, too. Collector impulse decides for me. And, well, a man has to have some dubious pleasures if life is going to be interesting. We can't all smoke crack.
]]>This is a bit "some men have paid some money to some other men", but given the general tendency towards 40K gonkery around these parts it's worth a nod. THQ have just announced that they've arranged to hang onto the rights to Warhammer 40,000 for a few more years yet. This means we'll see more Only War-based games from THQ (including social and mobile ones; let's hope the former doesn't mean TyranidVille) after the upcoming Space Marine and the MMO Dark Millennium have been and gone. Licences for the licence god!
]]>Well, this is rather unexpected. Then again, I'm very easily surprised: I also described the discovery of fresh bread in the cupboard this morning as rather unexpected. This really is unusual, though - Relic are to carve The Last Stand, a high-speed survival RPG mode, out of their Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II and sell it as a standalone game for $10. It's out today, and it's to be called The Last Standalone, which is agreeably stupid.
]]>Oddly, I have never once thought to question what faces really provide the voices for the Dawn of War games' assortment of space bastards. Did I think there was really an ork behind a microphone somewhere? Did I truly believe there was a man who naturally spoke like Patrick Stewart x1000? Of course not, but a testament to good voice acting is when you don't think "oh, that's just a guy pretending to be an Eldar." In the below video, Relic show just who's providing the snarls, hisses and achingly earnest exposition in DOW2: Retribution. While some performances are better than others (that sure is a lot of North Americans doing British accents), for the most part it's enormously impressive. Particularly, you can't fault either the gusto or the very visible effects upon the faces of those who make the noise of war. For instance, the lady above - take a guess who she plays?
]]>Last week Alec gifted us with his opinionations on Dawn of War II: Retribution, the latest standalone expansion for Relic's Dawn of War II. When the game was released on Friday Kieron and Quinns, as ever, found themselves in the mood for some bombastic hyper-war. And lo, this very lunchtime the three men gathered and holstered their guns for the official RPS Verdict.
]]>The second Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II expansion, Retribution, launched yesterday. Or today. Or tomorrow. Or never. Or whenever. All at once. Depends on where you are and where you download from, basically. This hasn't enjoyed the pan-continental release date it should have done, despite being so inherently online a title. With a bit of luck, you can purchase Relic's sci-fi RTS/RPG mash-up from the likes of Steam and Direct2Drive right now, and if you can't you should have access on the 4th, online and at retail. Should you, though? Well, that's where the following words come in. Consider me your Dreadnought of truthiness.
]]>My, Dawn of War games have been an almost annual thing for nearly a decade now, haven't they? I have no issue with that - any year with a bit of new Only War in it tends to be a better year for it. 2011 brings us Retribution, the second Dawn of War II expandalone and the first to make the Imperial 'Impy Goo' Guard a playable race in the sequel series.
In fact, it's out next week, on March 3. I'm playing it at present, and at some point before then will arrange my thoughts on it into a series of syllables, real and invented, in order to convey some sort of opinion. In the meantime, here's the intro video for the game. Short and chest-thumping, and very much in keeping with the proudly absurd bombast of the game.
]]>Oh, I missed this before, but VG247 picked it up: anyone who owns a Dawn Of War game on Steam can now get into the Retribution beta. UPDATE: Or anyone else can just try for a key here.
]]>We sent RPS infiltrator Dan Griliopoulos to THQ's UK office to play the latest Dawn Of War II expansion. What he saw contained Noise Marines, Inquisitors, and no GFWL. The game is out 4th March 2011
Everyone has a reason to be on Typhon. Eliphas the Betrayer is there to, y’know, betray stuff; Captain Diomedes of the Blood Ravens wants retribution (duh) on his traitorous Chapter Master; the Eldar are looking for something amazing buried in the planet’s surface; the Inquisition-commandeered and gloriously English Imperial Guard just do what they’re bloody well told; the Tyranids are... hungry. Well, everyone except the Freebooters. These demented Ork pirates are there because someone shot their Krooza down and because hat-fetishist Captain BludFlagg has taken a shine to the lady Inquisitor’s topper.
]]>We have all the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn Of War II - Retribution screenshots! ALL OF THEM. The gallery below is easily the biggest and best screenshot gallery we have ever done. All the images can be clicked on for full size, and they show Imperial Guard in action, Inquisitor inventory screens, and loads of other Imperial, Chaotic, Orkish and Tyranidical happenings from the game. We've got a preview coming up later too, because one of our sinister agents actually managed to play the game. More on that later. Go browse the images!
]]>And it's starting on the 31st of the month. THQ say: "The beta is scheduled to go live on Monday 31 January when global press and key Dawn of War® community members will be given access. It will then broaden to include everyone who has pre-ordered Dawn of War® II – Retribution™ on STEAM to date on 1 February. Finally, anyone who has bought a Dawn of War game through STEAM or has registered a Dawn of War II product on their STEAM account will automatically receive an invite on 8 February. There will be no open registration phase to this beta." Full details here.
]]>The third Dawn Of War II expansion pack, Retribution, is making my war-glands tingle with anticipation. This latest, rather brief, trailer (below) shows space marines, and chaos marines, and a big old demon. It shows giant spikes exploding out of the ground. I can't wait to get my hands on this, frankly.
]]>We've been sitting about for weeks, listlessly bouncing a squig against the wall, waiting for the other playable race to be revealed, and now there's a breakthrough: it seems that Dawn Of War II's expansion, Retribution, will feature Eldar. This is the second race with which you can play through the events of the single player campaign. There's a trailer below, with some good footage of the new chaos stuff, too. Eldar make for a fairly predictable second team, I suppose, but it will be fun to get your Bloody Handed God out. Missus.
Whatever happened to Zoats? That's what I want to know. Poor old Zoats.
]]>This news breaks as sharply as the sound of a bolter-magazine being slammed into place by the palm of the righteous. Just announced is that there's a second incoming expansion for Dawn of War II. Set a decade after Chaos Rising, rather than being stuck with the Blood Ravens, you get to choose your side. Which sides do you get to pick from? Well, as you may surmise from the enormous jaw bellowing at you above, one will be the Orks. Also promised are new multiplayer units and a whole new faction. Which sounds like a cue to link to our Dawn of War 2 sweepstakes article again. Go Jokero! Anyway - the expansion will be out in the first "bit" of 2011 and the first trailer follows...