I really do like Tomb Raider Legend. Obviously I hate its boss fights, and clearly I'm not so stupid as to enjoy the QTE nonsense that occasionally infects it. But it was such a treat to see Lara brought back to life, once more in a world tailor-made for her personal jumping distance, in a way remarkably faithful to the game's triumphant early releases. And even more so, with its surprising sense of humour. And so it is that I celebrate this, with caveats, over on Eurogamer. I say things like,
"It's exquisitely British, too. When realising that the clues (oh yes 'the plot' well, Lara's friend Amanda didn't die when she thought she did, and there's this sword in bits, and something about Lara's mum, and so on) are taking them from their exotic worldwide locations to, well, Cornwall, Lara replies, 'As in, take the M5 to the A30, Cornwall?'"
I also had a bit of an insane post-boss fight rant which didn't make it into the final edit, that I've put below.