LUCASAAAAAAAARTS WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I know, I know, the once brilliant adventure factory stumbled and fell into an infinite, severed-hand-filled Death Star abyss years ago, but I still can't help but mourn the legendary studio's loss. For its part, Raven Software's in a similar boat, but unlike me, it's been jealously clutching the source code to two major Star Wars videogames for years. (I, meanwhile, have only been jealously clutching the source code to my special ice cream soup recipe, my most valuable possession.) So, in the process of pouring one out for the Disney dismantled titan, it's released the full source code to one classic, Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and one, er, whatever Jedi Academy was. You're now free to tinker to your heart's content with the entrails of either, or just jam a hypothermia-ridden Luke Skywalker in there, if that's your thing.