Upon its X-Box 360 release, Space Giraffe was the most critically divisive game of 2007. Scan down those Metacritic scores. Those reviewers who slammed it – like Xbox US which gave it 2/10 and dismissed it as "damn-near-unplayable technoslop" - were openly mocked as weakling idiots by Jeff Minter's devotees. Others, like Eurogamer, split the difference and did a dual review. In the end, the hailing didn't matter – it simply didn't sell. That hasn't stopped its accolades building up. Stuart Campbell – who remains the world's sharpest critic of arcade games – said it was “one of the best games released this year at any price”. No less than Braid-creator Jonathan Blow described it as “the arcade game analogue of Ulysses”. So – much-praised-yet-ignored underdog comes to the PC. And this is RPS. And I'm me.
It's inevitable I'm going to like it, yeah?