Sins of a Dark Age ain't what it used to be. In spite of my totally sly, semi-misleading opening remark, I don't necessarily mean it's worse. However, I have no idea if it's better either. It's just, you know, different. In short, though, Ironclad's decided to remove the RTS-like Commander role from its MOBA flagship, so now it's hoping to weave between the toes of titans like DOTA 2 and League of Legends by emphasizing RPG aspects. "Realm Quests," as they're known, are triggered by a Left-4-Dead-ish Quest Director and introduce special conditions into otherwise standard MOBA matches. "Imagine dealing with the threat of a vermin carried deadly plague, welcoming the arrival of timely reinforcements, ordering your own personal troops, escorting a merchant convoy, hauling back stolen treasure, racing to gain favor of a powerful ally or even working cooperatively with your enemy against a deadly common threat," says Ironclad. More details after the break.