Every weekend, indie devs show off current work on Twitter's #screenshotsaturday tag. And every Monday, I bring you a selection of these snaps and clips. This week, my eye has been caught by swish parkour and grappling hook movement, spaceships in Hell, lots of pretty plants, and some straight-up trash. Come have a look!
]]>Every weekend, indie devs show off current work on Twitter's #screenshotsaturday tag. And every Monday, I bring you a selection of these snaps and clips. This past weekend was particularly fruitful, so enjoy a bumper-sized edition of Screenshot Saturday Mondays with all manner of cute frogs, stylish ultraviolence, dinosaurs cooking pizza, giant beasts to climb, and chill landscapes to roam.
]]>Screenshot Saturday Sundays! Unlike certain sea-dwellers on the site, I've already caved and cranked up the heating for a long, cold winter - so why not get yourselves toasty too and wrap up for another batch of lovely videogame screenshots? This week: picturesque platforming, sentient seeds, Welsh country horror, and trilobites.
]]>Screenshot Saturday! A day for celebrating the unfinished; the great promise of “maybe.” In other words, a Twitter tag for developers to give a glimpse of their works in progress, and for me to pick a few that look neat. Will they be neat games one day? Hopefully! But even if not, we can appreciate what they are now, which is excellent screenshots. (I know they're gifs, but alliteration is very important.) This week: a creative way to hit a faraway switch, a gentle afternoon against a rainy windowpane, and the secret life of the forest floor.