Humble is back with a brand new bundle - the Humble Capcom X Sega X Atlus Bundle which, for some reason, groups together those three publishers for one big bundle that offers you the chance to pick up games featuring blue hedgehogs, robot arms with stories to tell, FMV silliness, and a mall full of zombies, among other things.
Head over to the main site and you can drop some money on the bundle, with some of the proceeds going to charity as well.
]]>Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
Want to shoot at something for twenty minutes and blow up a building while driving a truck and then throw your gamepad away and forget it ever happened? Here’s Renegade Ops.
]]>That damn Brendan's always flaunting the fact that he had a childhood, that he didn't just floop fully-formed out a pod. Oh hark at you, Mister 'Renegade Ops makes me feel all young and boisterous again and not at all like what grows if you spill nutrient paste down the back of the radiator.' Yeah, well, the rest of us can also enjoy shooting tanks and helicopters and soldiermen in top-down Jungle Strike-ish shooty action, you know. And we can do it for free, as Sega are giving away Renegade Ops along with Gunstar Heroes and Viking: Battle for Asgard right now.
]]>There's more of Avalanche's Renegade Ops appearing today. The breezy and fun (sez Brendan) top-down action gets bigger with two paid-for DLC offerings. You've got the Reinforcement Pack (called the Vehicle Pack in the US, for some reason), and the Coldstrike Campaign, and they're cheaper on PC than anywhere else.
]]>Brendan's going to tell you all about Renegade Ops, and he doesn't care. No, he really doesn't care. Here's Wot He Thinks:
Boisterous. I guess that’s the word for it. Renegade Ops is boisterous, in the same way as kicking a football around inside the house is boisterous, or building a fortress out of sofas and lampshades is boisterous. Renegade Ops is a game that’s decidedly shallow and not very inventive but there’s something about it that makes me not care about all that. This dual-schtick-em-up never truly makes me feel like a kid again but it does a great job of reminding me that I was one. A tiny, one-person wrecking ball. Absolutely no regard for my environment or actions, driven solely by a deep hunger for fun.
]]>Seeing that picture could have put all kinds of ideas in your head, which is why I didn't make the headline cruelly vague. What it all actually denotes is Gordon Freeman’s rather surprising presence in the Steam version of Renegade Ops, Avalanche's top-down, four player vehicle-based destructathon. Gordon will be driving his buggy and he’s bringing some antlions along to use in a special attack. Oh, Gordon, you’re so science. Avalanche did promise some extras for the Steam version of the game after delivering it to console-dwellers before we PC folk and it’s good of them to follow through on that promise. They’ve even given us a Gordon-specific trailer along with a release date: October 14th.
]]>When is a launch trailer not a launch trailer? That's right, kids, when the game isn't due out for another couple of weeks. That's the awkward situation Renegops has thrust us into: It has just came out on the consoles, but isn't going to be gracing the PC with it's presence until later on this month. Still, we've got pretty moving pictures to keep ourselves entertained in the meantime:
]]>This tiny ode to destruction is perhaps best described as angry Micro Machines. Or, if you've sensibly passed the point where ritually namechecking 16-bit games is any way useful or meaningful, 'that one with the death-spewing car the size of a thumbnail.' Throw in that it comes from the creators of the gleefully absurd Just Cause 2 and I'm immediately side-stepping the uninspiring name and paying close attention. Willfully stupid, Renegade Ops is a game about driving a tiny buggy around a series of lush, top-down environments and riddling pretty much anything you run into with bullets, rockets, railguns and airstrikes. It's a twin-stick shooter with a car, impeccably-rendered tropical trees and a mind for mayhem.
]]>Renegade Ops, or "Renegops" as probably no one but me will call it, the upcoming top-down arcade blast 'em up from Avalanche Studios, has got itself a new video-trailer thing. I hope you like weapons and upgrade systems, because that's what it is showing off:
]]>RENEGADE OPS! That's how I'm going to be pronouncing that game's name. Shouted, every time. It's a name that needs bellowing. But before you put on your haughty trousers, there's likely to be a touch of irony about such a bombastic name, since this is coming from Just Cause developers, Avalanche. It's described as a "twin stick vehicle shooter", according to Eurogamer, planned to be released as a download-only, arcade-style, top-down shoot-them-up. Phew.