Between all the running and jumping and kicking and punching and The Man and some kind of cyber-zombies or something I don't know, Remember Me had a novel little puzzle game. 'Memory remixing' had you jacking into people's brainboxes to prod and poke and change how they recall events. Sounds like developers Dontnod are focusing on a similar idea with their next game, only with actual time travel and history-changing and fewer guns (relax: not no guns).
Yesterday they announced Life Is Strange, an episodic adventure game about rewriting history.
]]>Remember Me is a sci-fi action game from Capcom and French dev DONTNOD, and it is about doing unpleasant things to people's memories and punching other people. Mostly punching people, to be honest. Let's see I can totally recall what I thought of it.
]]>Remember Me (which does not seem to have its own website) is a game of exploration, platforming, stealth, and fighting-game style kick/punch in a dystopian future world of ubiquitous surveillance and memory fiddling. All that sounds intriguing, and looks spectacular in the trailer below, but it's still deeply unclear as to whether this is going to be a game to pay attention to, or whether it's actually a turkey in the oven. In this latest trailer we see the protagonist, Nilin, fighting her way through a series of humanoid enemies, climaxing with giant robot things. It all looks pretty convincing, albeit with inevitable QTE action. Capcom - who are once again keen to impress on us their interest in the PC as a platform - have released some PC screens and specs, which you can see here.
Go take a look.
]]>The Forbidden RPS Chatroom of Mystery drew a blank when I mentioned that there was a new trailer for Remember Me. John in particular appeared to have a memory hole, and when he checked Capcom's side he found no relevant information. He's right, go to their site and search for the game. You'll end-up back where you started. At first I thought he'd been brain-hacked, like the game's star Nilin can do. Then I remembered living with him, and hearing him shout about forgetting to pick up his coffee mug after going into the kitchen to specifically make a cup.
]]>Piece together your memories of recent third-person action games. There might be some Assassin's Creed in there, with the vertical running and the preposterous urban navigation. How about a change in pace courtesy of adventuresome puzzles, simple but functional, a break from the business of leaping, climbing, punching and kicking? The punching and kicking might well involve combos, the player character sliding and somersaulting from one enemy to another and acrobatically facing down overwhelming odds. There have already been large chunks of Remember Me on display and the latest video, shown at TGS, is all about the custom combos of an Arkhamic combat system.
]]>The reason, of course, that the hypothetical "you" in this scenario no longer Remembers Me is that you're unconscious. You were trying to chase hypothetical me down, I think, but then I used my cyberpunk Power Glove to overload your brain. Also, I did a bunch of flips and narrowly escaped a bullet-spewing helicopter at every turn. Seriously, we're out of turns now, because I used them all up. So, in this hypothetical situation, who am I? You may be devastatingly shocked to find out that I'm the main character from Capcom's Remember Me. Don't let me blow your mind with this revelation, though. As evidenced by ten new minutes of action-heavy footage, that'd be very, very bad for you.
]]>After watching 7 minutes of Capcom's sleek looking open-world hacking game, I'm pretty sure Ubisoft showed off something similar at E3. When I accessed my memories of that conference with my Memorinator (I keep my memories in there, so my brain has more room to think about kittens) it was all different: it wasn't Ubisoft showing off Watch Dogs. It was an hour of the Capcom logo, with Blueboy's 'Remember Me' playing. After seeing what Remember Me's Nilin is capable of, I think I got off lightly.
]]>Capcom apparently first announced Remember Me at GamesCom last year, but ironically most of the internet doesn't remember that and has treated it like a new reveal today. Regardless, we have a trailer to watch, a confirmation that it's on PC as well as the consoletoys, an elaboration on the Total Recall-esque story (but set in 'Neo-Paris' rather getting its ass to Mars), and a lead female character with kung-fu skills, mismatched gloves, brain-tapping abilities and clipped English tones shouting stuff like "WHO ERASED MY MEMORY?" and "I'M THE HUNTER! WHY AM I BEING HUNTED?' It's perhaps our answer to the question "what if Inception was penned by the writer of the Wicker Man remake?"
Dialogue aside, it looks pretty snazzy/frenzied.