If shooting albatrosses brings bad luck I'm in for a really lousy autumn.
This past week, in the gaps between work, blackberry picking, and bouncing about in the Rigs of Rods Tatra, I've been catching-up with a wonderful old friend - Red Baron 3D.
Thanks to Sierra's German wing, this evergreen Great War dogfight sim, justly famed for its immersive dynamic campaign and marvellous MP, is now totally free. Well, strictly speaking it's Red Baron II that's free. You'll need to apply the official superpatch to upgrade to RB3D. You'll also want a Glide wrapper, a WinXP sound fix, and a tolerance of Deutsch (the patch doesn't remove all traces of the Baron's native tongue). It's a bit of a dance, but follow the following step-by-step guide and you should be happily ambushing albatrosses inside half an hour.