There have been some lovely old-school shooters recently, but 3D Realms reason that the only way to get true retro authenticity is to build new games to old standards. Wrath: Aeon Of Ruin bears a strong family resemblance to the original Quake, which makes sense considering it's being produced by KillPixel, a crew of veteran Quake mappers and modders using the tools they're familiar with. It's a team I'm familiar with, having been enjoying their work for years, putting Wrath high on my most wanted list. The game is due this summer, and you can see the debut trailer below.
]]>A raytraced Quake 2 might be a fun retro showcase of shiny new hardware, but Quake 1.5 is what you really want to be playing right now. Assembled by modder "bloodshot12" (although its full credits are extensive), it's a cocktail of mods for Id's original Quake that aims to retain its aesthetic, but upgrade everything else. That means new, detailed weapon models, monsters (some from the excellent Arcane Dimensions), levels and more. Today's release is technically a beta, but well worth playing, and dead easy to set up too. Find it on Mod DB, or check out a trailer below if the fancy new boss above isn't exciting enough.
]]>We're just shy of Halloween here and the stars are aligning, allowing unholy powers to warp Doom into strange, near-unrecognisable forms through the powerfully dark act of modding. Out tonight is Total Chaos, a survival horror mod so grand in its ambition that it leaves almost nothing recognisable as 'Doom', with detailed 3D environments and modern horror style. More traditional but still impressive is an early demo of The Crimson Deed, a vampire-themed dungeon crawl. Check out trailers for both below, plus some Quake-related surprises from 3D Realms.
]]>Have You Played? is an endless stream of game retrospectives. One a day, every day, perhaps for all time.
I wrote about this stonkingly beautiful and enormous mega-mod for the original Quake last year, recommending that y'all should play it, but it didn't quite turn out as planned when fans and creators alike (politely) argued that the screenshots I'd used did not suitably sell the game. So, here are some screenshots of Arcane Dimension which hopefully will convince you to give it a try. You really should, because it's the next best (or maybe even better?) thing to getting a whole new Quake.