Today's selection marks the 1,000th game I've played this year. One sodding thousand. Admittedly it's a meaningless number but it might give some hope to those of you who are worried that games are going downhill or it's been a bad year. It really hasn't.
There are loads and loads of great games out there. Sure, there's some rubbish too, but this column alone has sifted through a thousand in a mere 8 months, and that's after discarding the big names, the stuff Fraser or Dominic have poached, the shovelware, and the inevitable daily idiot-milking dreck about PUTIN JONG BITCOIN HA HA HA. And that's just on Steam!
Things are good, my brave Unknowanauts. Whatever our complaints about Steam? The games, they are good. We are very lucky to be here, now. Long may it continue. Onwards then, to another round of Unknown Pleasures.
Poking the squinty eye of Gary Naysayer this week: capitalist ambitions, parental responsibilities, and racial tensions.