Good news: Codemasters teasing a new Overlord game has not lead up to the announcement of a free-to-play mobile game where you build minion hives, harvest fungus, and farm sheep (any Overlord worth their salt steals sheepies, for one thing). Disappointing news: the newly-announced Overlord: Fellowship of Evil [official site] is not the proper Overlord sequel you might be hoping for. Descriptive news: it's a class-based, co-op-oriented action-RPG more about getting in and fighting yourself than leading armies of minions.
Here, come have a look in the first trailers:
]]>It's about ten minutes in the game and I'm presented by quite the sight. Hearing footsteps on the stairs, I shout to drag the Lady into the room. "Hey! Look at this". I continue what I'm doing, before glancing over at her distinctly disapproving face. "You have just killed the Labrador of the seas," she says coldly, then walk out the room. I can see the future. It is a lonely future. It's a future which may drive a man to evil. Which is lucky, as I'm the right place.
What's the problem? I'm just going clubbing.
]]>I downloaded the demo of this cruelty 'em up sequel yesterday, and was intending on posting about it only once I'd played it. Sadly, it sternly refuses to install on my system (I'm running Windows 7, so have no-one to blame except myself. And the hair thieves who come in the night and steal my eyebrows, obviously), so instead all I can say is this: there is a demo, which is just under a gig in size. And you should play it, because this game of imp-herding and people-murdering looks very promising. Right, I'm going to go see if I've still got a hard drive with poxy Vista installed somewhere...
]]>For a while, I wasn't sure what story could possibly be safely posted on top of an interview with Dr Derek Smart. All things pale, right?
Hmm. A video should be okay. Just a nice video about a videogame, to ease us all on.
Oh dear. It's a video about a bad-tempered megalomaniac wreaking destruction and torment upon all and sundry. This is going to be really, horribly misinterpreted by someone, isn't it?