I had hoped to bring you a proper review of Moonscars today, the new 2D Soulslike from indie studio Black Mermaid. But alas, both time and its ferociously difficult combat have got the better of me, so you'll have to settle for some impressions instead. This isn’t simply a case of drinking the 'git gud' kool-aid either. While I'll hold my hands up now and say that Soulslikes have always been a bit of a challenge for me, I feel like I've been making some pretty good in-roads into the genre lately, and after falling in love with Moonscars' reveal trailer earlier in the year during the Humble Games Showcase, I really, really, really wanted to like this one. Sadly, it's become increasingly clear that Moonscars does not like me very much, and maybe even hates my guts a bit - which is ironic, considering how many organs I've chucked at its feet over the last week and a bit to appease its hungry dread moon.