Well, triple resurrections, if you also include the upcoming sequel/relaunch. For the purposes of this post though, it's vintage Mechwarring. Not been able to try this myself yet - mainly due to the torturously slow proprietary bitorrent client necessary to download the thing - but there's a whole lot afoot in Mechwarrior land. First, a major new version of a free remake of Mechwarrior 2 made in Blitzbasic. It's called Assault Tech 1: Battletech. Tech tech? Tech. Tech! Apparently, it now looks better than the original, thanks to a revamped DirectX7 engine. Oh, mighty seven. Decide for yourself in the videos below. As an additional ray of robotic rapture, the MW fan/mod site behind AT1:BT, MekTek.net, are also gearing up to re-release the rather splendid Mechwarrior 4, in its DRM-free, modern-Windowsed entirety.