Do you ever get sold on a game purely on the strength of how its enemies look? I'm sure this happens to me a lot, but just off the top of my head, Killzone, XCOM, and Dark Souls all first got my attention this way. The trailer for Oninaki - an upcoming, classic-style JRPG from the I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear gang at Square Enix's Tokyo RPG Factory - features these awesome looking goblin lads on a mural. I'm not sure if they're for certain in the game yet, but I'm already quite into the idea of getting a chance to meet some. Have a trailer:
]]>Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a ragtag group of orphans wake up one day and decide to slay some monsters, as all small-town gangs are wont to do. This is the opening of Lost Sphear. After bonking some bunny-mutants to death in a nearby field, they discover that their idyllic hometown has blinked out of existence, replaced by a gaping white void. But, soon enough, one of our heroes has a dream that reveals that he and he alone possesses mysterious power that can restore these “lost” objects through the power of memories. Together, the gang embark on a quest to save the world from ruin.
]]>If you fancy JRPG action in a retro way, here's Lost Sphear out today. It's the second RPG from Square Enix's Tokyo RPG Factory, the studio behind I Am Setsuna, and it too riffs on ye olde JRPGs. I won't pretend to be well-acquainted with the genre but: yes, JRPG stuff. We do have a review coming from someone who actually knows a gad dang but we only just got our hands on Lost Sphear so, for now, here's word that the game is out. It does have a demo so you can try a bit yourself.
]]>Tokyo RPG Factory, Square Enix's glamorously-named retro RPG studio behind 2016's I Am Setsuna, have announced their next game. Lost Sphear [official site] will be another throwback JRPG with some modern stylings, this time telling the tale of a lad trying to stop his world from vanishing. Squeenix say Lost Sphear is "expanding upon the beloved features" from I Am Setsuna, rather than being a whole new thing. Lost Sphear is due some time in "early 2018" but, for now, here's the announcement trailer: