Yesterday, Chris Taylor announced his new evolution-thwacking prehistoric RTS-RPG Wildman, so naturally, we talked about that until we, ourselves, evolved extra mouths so we could more efficiently talk about evolution. But what about, well, everything else? In ye olde year of 2010, after all, Taylor and co debuted Kings and Castles, a "biggest ever" fantasy RTS with dragons, chickens, and hopefully - for the sake of competition - a few things in between. But then it went on hold and dropped off the face of the Earth. So, is it dead along with the "old Chris" who focused on size to the detriment of substance? In addition, we discuss Planetary Annihilation, a GPG-developed, Supreme-Commander-inspired mod platform/operating system called Project Mercury, and why he certainly doesn't plan on being the first high-profile Kickstarter to fail on the follow-through.
]]>Rock Paper Shotgun Kings and Castles Feed
By Dandelion