When I previewed High On Life at Gamescom earlier this year, I came away with a little skip in my step. Justin Roiland and Squanch Games might be on to a winner, I thought. The talking alien guns weren't that irritating and the gun fights seemed solid! And it appealed to my juvenile sense of humour too. Poo and wee? Yeah, you'll get a cheap chuckle from me. I understood then that it might not be for everyone, but hey, I can roll with that if the FPS bit is good.
Having now spent a few hours with the final game, I've concluded that my mind must've been chemically altered by the doner kebab I consumed the night before. You can switch off your gun's verbal diarrhea through the in-game menu, but what you'll find behind the brown curtain is a very unimaginative shooter. For a world so colourful and zaney, it's a shame the FPS side can't match it.