Premature Evaluation is a weekly dive into the world of early access games, which Brendan has now permanently seized from the Rob Zacny in a bloodless coup. Thanks Rob! This week, he goes speeding through the future world of combat racer GRIP, frequently upside down.
GRIP is the spiritual successor to Rollcage - but also to those remote-controlled cars that were massive in the nineties, and which could not climb the ceiling no matter how hard you believed. If you haven't heard of Rollcage, I wouldn't be surprised. It is the forgotten son of the futuristic racer era of the late 90s and early 00s, overshadowed by its older brother, Wipeout. And who could be surprised? Wipeout had the Chemical Brothers, it had techno and ecstasy, it had that one scene in Hackers. What did Rollcage have? A set of toys that routinely malfunctioned after three weeks.